Curriculum Vitae
A Postdoctoral Fellow at the Università degli Studi di Bergamo (Experienced Grant 2024, A.D. L-LIN/03, Department of Letters, Philosophy, Communication), Maria Elena Minuto is Honorary Research Associate at the Royal Holloway University of London (Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures) and Honorary Research Associate at the University of Liège (Department of Historical Sciences and Department of Modern Languages). In recognition of her research activities in the field of European postwar visual poetics with a focus on Italian and Belgian poetic literacy exchanges in the 1960s and 1970s, she was awarded a Marie Sklodowska-Curie actions Seal of Excellence delivered by the European Commission in April 2023. Excellence Grant recipient at Wallonie-Bruxelles International (InWBI, 2020-2021; 2022- 2023) and at the Fund for Scientific Research (F.R.S.-FNRS, 2021-2022) with the project 'La poésie concrète et visuelle en Italie et Belgique: transferts culturels et publications d'artistes entre 1960 et 1970', she holds a Ph.D. in Textual Analysis and Theory from the University of Bergamo with the dissertation: 'Marcel Broodthaers. Lo sguardo e la pratica allegorica nella contemporaneità.' Minuto is an affiliate at the European Neo-Avant-Garde Research Unit (ENAG, KU Leuven) and a member of the FNRS contact group Museums and Contemporary Art. Currently, she is working on the monograph (book) 'Marcel Broodthaers. Il bestiario' (Quodlibet, 2025) and on the first edited volume devoted to Italian-Belgian cultural transfers in the field of neo-avant-garde visual poetry entitled 'Engaged Visuality. The Italian and Belgian Poesia Visiva Phenomenon in the 60s and 70s' with Jan de Vree (De Gruyter, 2025). Key publications include: `Animali d'artista. Tra figurazione, astrazione ed ibridazione dal secondo Novecento a oggi' (Elephant&Castle no. 27 with E. Grazioli. Bergamo University Press, 2022), `Scritture di immagini. Arti verbovisuali, dal secondo Novecento a oggi' (piano b. Arti e culture visive. Special Issues vol. 5 no. I and no. II with G. Zanchetti and A. Acocella. Bologna University Press, 2020), `Marcel Broodthaers. Écrivain d'images' (Éditions Garnier, 2020), `Material and Visual Poetics: The Italian and Belgian Neo-Avant-Garde Art of Publishing' (Éditions de la BK-Centre Pompidou, 2019), `Marcel Broodthaers: l'artista degli anagrammi nascosti' (Elephant&Castle no. 20. Bergamo University Press, 2019). Member of the editorial board of the academic journal Elephant&Castle (Università degli Studi di Bergamo), she co-organized the international symposiums: 'From Public Space to Museum. The Musealization of Performative and Public Art' (M HKA Museum. Antwerp, November 21, 2022), 'Engaged Visuality. The Italian and Belgian Poesia Visiva Phenomenon in the 60s and 70s' (Academia Belgica / Università degli Studi La Sapienza di Roma, July 7-8, 2022), 'Eroticism, Poetic Concretism, and Visuality (1960-1970)' (MNAM - Centre Pompidou. Paris, September 17-18, 2021), and 'Embodied Words. Concrete & Visual Poetry in Italy and Belgium in the 60s and 70s' (IIC Brussels, May 24-25, 2018). From 2015 to 2018, she was co-curator of the project 'a due. Arte Contemporanea in Italia e Belgio' (in twos. Contemporary Art in Italy and Belgium) at the Italian Cultural Institute in Brussels and from 2010 to 2014 she was assistant professor in contemporary art history at the Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti (NABA) in Milan (Department of Applied Arts).