Delegato del Rettore alla Cooperazione internazionale nei paesi in via di sviluppo
Professori Ordinari
Course Catalogue:
Cv Allegato
Curriculum Vitae
Department of Economics
University of Bergamo, Via dei Caniana 2 - 24127, Bergamo
Since 10/20 Full Professor in Applied Economics (SECS-P/06), University of Bergamo, Bergamo, Italy
Since 03/21 UNESCO Chairholder of the UNESCO Chair on “Human Rights, International Cooperation and Sustainable Development”, University of Bergamo, Bergamo, Italy
Since 03/22 Delegate for International Cooperation in Developing Countries, University of Bergamo, Bergamo, Italy
Member of the Board of Directors and Scientific Committees of several institutions and of the International Advisory Board of the Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society.
1994 Ph.D. in Economics, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy
1992 Master of Science in Economics, Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London, London, UK
1990 Degree in Economics (with honours), Bocconi University, Milan, Italy
10/18-09/22 President of the Master's Degree Program in Human Rights, Migration and International Cooperation, University of Bergamo, Bergamo, Italy
09/16-10/21 Delegate for International Development Cooperation, University of Bergamo, Bergamo, Italy
05/19-11/21 Delegate for University Network for Peace, University of Bergamo, Bergamo, Italy
10/05-09/20 Associate Professor in Applied Economics (SECS-P/06), University of Bergamo, Bergamo, Italy
01/11-10/14 Director General, Éupolis Lombardia, the Lombardy Regional Institute for Research, Statistics and Training, Milan, Italy
06/04-12/10 Director General, IReR, the Lombardy Regional Institute for Research, Milan, Italy
01/00-12/05 Director, Specialised MBA in International Economics and Management (MIEM), SDA Bocconi School of Management, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy
10/96-09/05 Researcher in Economic Policy (SECS-P/02), University of Bergamo, Bergamo, Italy
10/96-09/00 Temporary Lecturer, SDA Bocconi School of Management, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy
11/94-09/96 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Bocconi University - Centre for Latin American Studies and Transition Economies (ISLA)
11/93-10/96 Temporary Lecturer, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy
Since 05/10 Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society (International Advisory Board)
12/06-12/10 Working Paper IReR Series
06/04-12/10 Ricerche IReR Series
06/18-08/23 Member of the Board of Directors of the Foundation for Subsidiarity
06/19-06/22 Member of the Board of Directors of Banco Alimentare Onlus Foundation
12/04-07/07 Member of the Board of Directors of AVSI Foundation
International Development Cooperation, Sustainable Development, Local Development, Regional Governance and Policy, Migration, Municipal Financing, Policy Analysis and Evaluation, Trade and Foreign Direct Investments
2016-2018 Fundação Getulio Vargas (Brazil) / McGill University (Canada) / University of Bergamo
“Excellence Initiative” Programme - Collaborative Project: “Re-discovering the Sources of Territorial Sustainability” (Coordinator)
2011-2013 Fundação Vale (Brazil) / Éupolis Lombardia
Projeto de Pesquisa: “O Desenvolvimento Territorial no Sudeste do Pará, Brazil” (Coordinator)
2008-2011 Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) / Éupolis Lombardia
Programme on Institutional Management of Higher Education – Reviews of Higher Education in Regional and City Development 2008-2011: “The Region of Lombardy, Italy” (Coordinator)
2007-2011 European Commission (EC) / Romanian National Employment Agency (Anofm) / Éupolis Lombardia
Research Project: “Studies, analysis and forecasts on the labour market to strengthen the capacity of public employment services in Romania, at national and local level”
2008-2010 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) / Éupolis Lombardia
Science for Peace and Security Programme – Advanced Research Workshop: “Control and Risk Prevention of Dangerous Materials and Risk Management. From New Global Threats to New Global Responses: A Picture of Transition” (Coordinator)
2008-2009 Fundação Getulio Vargas (Brazil) / IReR
Projeto de Pesquisa: “Os instrumentos para o desenvolvimento territorial da região Lombardia em comparaçao com algumas experiências internacionais” (Coordinator)
2006-2009 European Commission (EC) / Fraunhofer ISI / IReR / Institute of Baltic Studies (IBS)
Research Project: “Supporting policy making with innovative assessment tools” (Coordinator)
2006-2007 United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) / University of Bergamo
Industrial Promotion and Technology Branch – Research Project: “Institutional Capacity Building to Attract Foreign Direct Investments Fostering Enterprises Productivity and Sustain their Access to International Markets” (Coordinator)
2004 Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) / Bocconi University
Research Project: “The Promotion of International Investments in the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Latin America” (Coordinator)
2000-2003 Comisión de las Comunidades Europeas (CE) / Bocconi University
Asistencia Técnica Europea – “Apoyo a la reforma del sistema bancario en Cuba”
2000-2001 Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) / Bocconi University/ University of Bergamo
Research Project: “Foreign Direct Investment in Latin America. The Role of European Investors”
1999-2001 The World Bank Group (WB) / Università Bocconi
Research Project: “Financial Instrument for Urban Development Support. The Role of the World Bank in Latin American Countries” (Coordinator)
1999-2000 European Commission (EC) / National Research Council (CNR) / Bocconi University
Research Project: “The EU Foreign Direct Investments in Central and Eastern Europe”
1998 Comisión de las Comunidades Europeas (CE) / Bocconi University
Asistencia Técnica Europea – “Programa de Modernización de las Instituciones en Paraguay”
1995-1996 National Research Council (CNR) / Bocconi University
Research Project: “Economic and Administrative Development Process in the Central Asian Republics: the Kazakhstan case-study”
1993-1996 University of Sussex, Sussex European Institute, Brighton, UK
Research Project: “Computable General Equilibrium Models and Imperfect Competition”
2004-2014 Responsible for the development of the project QuESTIO - Quality Evaluation in Science and Technology for Innovation Opportunity, conceived by Lombardy Region to promote the innovation ecosystem - a set of different subjects active in the field of research and innovation - through the mapping of Research and Innovation Centers (CRTT), Production Activities and Lombardy Technological Clusters (CTL)
2021-2023 International Cooperation and Sustainable Development, University of Bergamo
2022-2023 Regional Economics, European Policies and International Cooperation, University of Bergamo
2019-2023 Economic Aspects of Urban and Territorial Regeneration, University of Bergamo
2014-2023 Development Economics and International Cooperation, University of Bergamo
2021-2022 Regional Economics and European Policies, University of Bergamo
2019-2021 Territorial Systems and Development Policies, University of Bergamo
2019-2021 International Cooperation, Migration and Development, University of Bergamo
2015-2019 Public Economics, University of Bergamo
2012-2013 Business Ethics and Enterprise, University of Bergamo
2011-2013 Regional Economics and European Regional Policies, University of Bergamo
2010-2012 Economics of Agglomeration, University of Bergamo
2010-2011 Economic Policy (1 Module), University of Bergamo
2005-2011 Regional Economics, University of Bergamo
2009-2010 Banks and Local Development, University of Bergamo
2007-2010 Industrial Policies and Local Development in the Developing Countries, University of Bergamo
2006-2009 Macroeconomics, University of Bergamo
2005-2006 International Economics, University of Bergamo
2003-2004 Advanced Political Economy, University of Bergamo
2002-2003 Political Economy II – Macroeconomics, University of Bergamo
2001-2002 Political Economy – Elements of Macroeconomics, University of Bergamo
2000-2001 Tourism Economics, University of Bergamo
1999-2001 Political Economy II, University of Bergamo
1999-2000 Political Economy, Bocconi University
1996-1999 Industrial Economics I and II (Exercises), University of Bergamo
1996-1999 Political Economy II (Exercises), University of Bergamo
1996-1999 Macroeconomics, SDA Bocconi School of Management, Bocconi University
1995-1997 Political Economy – Macroeconomics, Bocconi University
1993-1996 The Italian Economy and its International Setting, Bocconi University
1993-1996 Political Economy (Exercises), Bocconi University
04/02 Banco Central de Cuba, San Cristóbal de La Habana, Cuba
Course: Monetary Policy (in Spanish)
06/01 Universidad Nacional de Asunción, Asunción, Paraguay
Course: Política Económica y Financiera (in Spanish)
06/00 Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Course: Economía para empresarios (in Spanish)
01/98 Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile
Course: La pequeña y mediana empresa en el desarrollo regional (in Spanish)
04/95 Budapesti Közgazdaságtudományi Egyetem (Budapest University of Economic Sciences), Budapest, Hungary
Course: The External Relations of the European Union (in English)
04/16 Fundação Getulio Vargas, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
03/16 International Monetary Fund, Washington, USA
03/16 McGill University, Montréal, Canada
09/06 Universidad Católica Sedes Sapientiae, Lima, Peru
05/06 Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil
11/05 Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Lima, Peru
09/02 Universidad de Lima, Lima, Peru
07/01 Instituto de Pasquisa Eonomica Aplicada e Ministerio do Planejamento, Orcamento e Gestao, Brazilia, Brazil
06/00 Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina
06/00 Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, Japan
12/99 Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina
05/99 Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile
05/99 Universidad del Salvador, Buenos Aires, Argentina
01/98 Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile
09/95 Universidad del Aconcagua, Mendoza, Argentina
13th RSAI World Conference, Virtual Conference (05/2021); VI Conference CUCS Network, Trento, Italy (09/2019); Rediscovering the Sources of Sustainable Development, Bergamo, Italy (11/2018); Cities and International Development Cooperation, Bergamo, Italy (05/2018); V Congress of CUCS Network, Milan, Italy (09/2017); ERSA 57th Congress, Groningen, The Netherlands (09/2017); RSA Annual Conference, Dublin, Ireland (06/2017); XV Annual Workshop SIEPI, Palermo, Italy (02/2017); Conference on the Strategic Partnership between Latin America and European Union and the Challenges of Globalization, Milan, Italy (01/2013); Annual Conference of Éupolis Lombardia, Milan, Italy (10/2013, 01/2012); AISRe Annual Scientific Conference, Palermo, Italy (09/2013), Turin, Italy (09/2011), Pisa, Italy (10/2006), Sondrio, Italy (10/1996), Matera, Italy (10/1994); 15th McGill International Entrepreneurship Conference, Pavia, Italy (09/2012); 1st International Workshop on Regional Critical Infrastructure Protection Programmes, Milan, Italy (11/2011); Annual Conference of Federazione Lombarda delle BCC, Salonicco, Greece (10/2009); 3rd International Congress on Life of Medicines, Milan, Italy (09/2009); 20th Annual Johns Hopkins International Philantrophy Fellows Conference, Milan, Italy (06-07/2009); NATO Workshop on Control and Risk Prevention of Dangerous Materials and Crisis Management, Sofia, Bulgaria (03/2009); 50th Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business Conference, Milan, Italy (06-07/2008); OECD-APEC Global Conference, Athens, Greece (11/2006); UNIDO Workshop, Vienna, Austria (07/2006); 25th Session of the Working Party on SMEs & Entrepreneurship (WPSME), Trento, Italy (06/2005); Workshop on New Drivers for Economic Development in Latin America, Milan, Italy, (05/2005); Cuartos Encuentros Europa-America Latina, Valle de Bravo, Mexico (10/2003); Workshop on Europe and Latin-America in the Global Economy, Milan, Italy (01/2003); AIEL XVII Annual Conference, Messina, Italy (07/2003); Conference on Regional Differentials and Labor Policies - AIEL, Salerno, Italy (11/2000); Group on EU-MERCOSUR Negotiations, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (06/2000); XIV Congress of the European Society of Population Economics, Bonn, Germany (06/2000); Conference on the Multiplicity of Models of Development in the North of Italy, Parma, Italy (11/1997); III ECSA World Conference, Bruxelles, Belgium (09/1996), Berlin, Germany (09/1993); III Conference on Joint-Ventures of Italian Enterprises in Argentina, Salta, Argentina (09/1995); 2nd Seminar on International Perspective, Bogota, Colombia (07/1994)
05/12 Award by the Scientific Committee of the First Report on Finance of the Rosselli Foundation “Finanza Pubblica e Federalismo. Strumenti finanziari innovativi: autonomia e sostenibilità” for one of the two best papers of the Report itself.
Reference in Publications:
- Brugnoli A. (2012), «La valorizzazione dei patrimoni immobiliari come strumento per finanziare gli investimenti delle amministrazioni pubbliche locali: strategie di riferimento, casi rilevanti e modelli emergenti», in M. Nicolai (ed.), Finanza Pubblica e Federalismo. Strumenti finanziari innovativi: autonomia e sostenibilità, Maggioli Editore, Santarcangelo di Romagna, pp. 539-576, ISBN: 88-387-7339-4
08/09 Award by the NATO Assistant Secretary General for Public Diplomacy for the advanced research workshop on “Control and Risk Prevention of dangerous Materials and Crisis Management”- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Science for Peace and Security (SPS) Programme.
Reference in Publications:
- Brugnoli A. (ed.) (2010), Dangerous Materials: Control, Risk Prevention and Crisis Management. From New Global Threats to New Global Responses: A Picture of Transition, Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 1-165, ISBN: 978-90-48197-46-0
05/99 Recognition: Contribution by Università Bocconi to support the editorial activity of young professors and researchers for the publication: "Recent Experiences and Future Perspective of Financial Systems in Latin America: The Case of Argentina and Chile.
Reference in Publications:
- Albano A., Brugnoli A. (1999), Financial Systems in Latin America: Focus on Argentina and Chile, EGEA, Milano, pp. 1-155, ISBN: 88-238-0518-X
Italian (mother tongue), English (fluent), Spanish (fluent), Portuguese (basic)
Department of Economics
University of Bergamo, Via dei Caniana 2 - 24127, Bergamo
Since 10/20 Full Professor in Applied Economics (SECS-P/06), University of Bergamo, Bergamo, Italy
Since 03/21 UNESCO Chairholder of the UNESCO Chair on “Human Rights, International Cooperation and Sustainable Development”, University of Bergamo, Bergamo, Italy
Since 03/22 Delegate for International Cooperation in Developing Countries, University of Bergamo, Bergamo, Italy
Member of the Board of Directors and Scientific Committees of several institutions and of the International Advisory Board of the Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society.
1994 Ph.D. in Economics, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy
1992 Master of Science in Economics, Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London, London, UK
1990 Degree in Economics (with honours), Bocconi University, Milan, Italy
10/18-09/22 President of the Master's Degree Program in Human Rights, Migration and International Cooperation, University of Bergamo, Bergamo, Italy
09/16-10/21 Delegate for International Development Cooperation, University of Bergamo, Bergamo, Italy
05/19-11/21 Delegate for University Network for Peace, University of Bergamo, Bergamo, Italy
10/05-09/20 Associate Professor in Applied Economics (SECS-P/06), University of Bergamo, Bergamo, Italy
01/11-10/14 Director General, Éupolis Lombardia, the Lombardy Regional Institute for Research, Statistics and Training, Milan, Italy
06/04-12/10 Director General, IReR, the Lombardy Regional Institute for Research, Milan, Italy
01/00-12/05 Director, Specialised MBA in International Economics and Management (MIEM), SDA Bocconi School of Management, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy
10/96-09/05 Researcher in Economic Policy (SECS-P/02), University of Bergamo, Bergamo, Italy
10/96-09/00 Temporary Lecturer, SDA Bocconi School of Management, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy
11/94-09/96 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Bocconi University - Centre for Latin American Studies and Transition Economies (ISLA)
11/93-10/96 Temporary Lecturer, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy
Since 05/10 Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society (International Advisory Board)
12/06-12/10 Working Paper IReR Series
06/04-12/10 Ricerche IReR Series
06/18-08/23 Member of the Board of Directors of the Foundation for Subsidiarity
06/19-06/22 Member of the Board of Directors of Banco Alimentare Onlus Foundation
12/04-07/07 Member of the Board of Directors of AVSI Foundation
International Development Cooperation, Sustainable Development, Local Development, Regional Governance and Policy, Migration, Municipal Financing, Policy Analysis and Evaluation, Trade and Foreign Direct Investments
2016-2018 Fundação Getulio Vargas (Brazil) / McGill University (Canada) / University of Bergamo
“Excellence Initiative” Programme - Collaborative Project: “Re-discovering the Sources of Territorial Sustainability” (Coordinator)
2011-2013 Fundação Vale (Brazil) / Éupolis Lombardia
Projeto de Pesquisa: “O Desenvolvimento Territorial no Sudeste do Pará, Brazil” (Coordinator)
2008-2011 Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) / Éupolis Lombardia
Programme on Institutional Management of Higher Education – Reviews of Higher Education in Regional and City Development 2008-2011: “The Region of Lombardy, Italy” (Coordinator)
2007-2011 European Commission (EC) / Romanian National Employment Agency (Anofm) / Éupolis Lombardia
Research Project: “Studies, analysis and forecasts on the labour market to strengthen the capacity of public employment services in Romania, at national and local level”
2008-2010 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) / Éupolis Lombardia
Science for Peace and Security Programme – Advanced Research Workshop: “Control and Risk Prevention of Dangerous Materials and Risk Management. From New Global Threats to New Global Responses: A Picture of Transition” (Coordinator)
2008-2009 Fundação Getulio Vargas (Brazil) / IReR
Projeto de Pesquisa: “Os instrumentos para o desenvolvimento territorial da região Lombardia em comparaçao com algumas experiências internacionais” (Coordinator)
2006-2009 European Commission (EC) / Fraunhofer ISI / IReR / Institute of Baltic Studies (IBS)
Research Project: “Supporting policy making with innovative assessment tools” (Coordinator)
2006-2007 United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) / University of Bergamo
Industrial Promotion and Technology Branch – Research Project: “Institutional Capacity Building to Attract Foreign Direct Investments Fostering Enterprises Productivity and Sustain their Access to International Markets” (Coordinator)
2004 Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) / Bocconi University
Research Project: “The Promotion of International Investments in the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Latin America” (Coordinator)
2000-2003 Comisión de las Comunidades Europeas (CE) / Bocconi University
Asistencia Técnica Europea – “Apoyo a la reforma del sistema bancario en Cuba”
2000-2001 Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) / Bocconi University/ University of Bergamo
Research Project: “Foreign Direct Investment in Latin America. The Role of European Investors”
1999-2001 The World Bank Group (WB) / Università Bocconi
Research Project: “Financial Instrument for Urban Development Support. The Role of the World Bank in Latin American Countries” (Coordinator)
1999-2000 European Commission (EC) / National Research Council (CNR) / Bocconi University
Research Project: “The EU Foreign Direct Investments in Central and Eastern Europe”
1998 Comisión de las Comunidades Europeas (CE) / Bocconi University
Asistencia Técnica Europea – “Programa de Modernización de las Instituciones en Paraguay”
1995-1996 National Research Council (CNR) / Bocconi University
Research Project: “Economic and Administrative Development Process in the Central Asian Republics: the Kazakhstan case-study”
1993-1996 University of Sussex, Sussex European Institute, Brighton, UK
Research Project: “Computable General Equilibrium Models and Imperfect Competition”
2004-2014 Responsible for the development of the project QuESTIO - Quality Evaluation in Science and Technology for Innovation Opportunity, conceived by Lombardy Region to promote the innovation ecosystem - a set of different subjects active in the field of research and innovation - through the mapping of Research and Innovation Centers (CRTT), Production Activities and Lombardy Technological Clusters (CTL)
2021-2023 International Cooperation and Sustainable Development, University of Bergamo
2022-2023 Regional Economics, European Policies and International Cooperation, University of Bergamo
2019-2023 Economic Aspects of Urban and Territorial Regeneration, University of Bergamo
2014-2023 Development Economics and International Cooperation, University of Bergamo
2021-2022 Regional Economics and European Policies, University of Bergamo
2019-2021 Territorial Systems and Development Policies, University of Bergamo
2019-2021 International Cooperation, Migration and Development, University of Bergamo
2015-2019 Public Economics, University of Bergamo
2012-2013 Business Ethics and Enterprise, University of Bergamo
2011-2013 Regional Economics and European Regional Policies, University of Bergamo
2010-2012 Economics of Agglomeration, University of Bergamo
2010-2011 Economic Policy (1 Module), University of Bergamo
2005-2011 Regional Economics, University of Bergamo
2009-2010 Banks and Local Development, University of Bergamo
2007-2010 Industrial Policies and Local Development in the Developing Countries, University of Bergamo
2006-2009 Macroeconomics, University of Bergamo
2005-2006 International Economics, University of Bergamo
2003-2004 Advanced Political Economy, University of Bergamo
2002-2003 Political Economy II – Macroeconomics, University of Bergamo
2001-2002 Political Economy – Elements of Macroeconomics, University of Bergamo
2000-2001 Tourism Economics, University of Bergamo
1999-2001 Political Economy II, University of Bergamo
1999-2000 Political Economy, Bocconi University
1996-1999 Industrial Economics I and II (Exercises), University of Bergamo
1996-1999 Political Economy II (Exercises), University of Bergamo
1996-1999 Macroeconomics, SDA Bocconi School of Management, Bocconi University
1995-1997 Political Economy – Macroeconomics, Bocconi University
1993-1996 The Italian Economy and its International Setting, Bocconi University
1993-1996 Political Economy (Exercises), Bocconi University
04/02 Banco Central de Cuba, San Cristóbal de La Habana, Cuba
Course: Monetary Policy (in Spanish)
06/01 Universidad Nacional de Asunción, Asunción, Paraguay
Course: Política Económica y Financiera (in Spanish)
06/00 Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Course: Economía para empresarios (in Spanish)
01/98 Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile
Course: La pequeña y mediana empresa en el desarrollo regional (in Spanish)
04/95 Budapesti Közgazdaságtudományi Egyetem (Budapest University of Economic Sciences), Budapest, Hungary
Course: The External Relations of the European Union (in English)
04/16 Fundação Getulio Vargas, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
03/16 International Monetary Fund, Washington, USA
03/16 McGill University, Montréal, Canada
09/06 Universidad Católica Sedes Sapientiae, Lima, Peru
05/06 Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil
11/05 Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Lima, Peru
09/02 Universidad de Lima, Lima, Peru
07/01 Instituto de Pasquisa Eonomica Aplicada e Ministerio do Planejamento, Orcamento e Gestao, Brazilia, Brazil
06/00 Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina
06/00 Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, Japan
12/99 Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina
05/99 Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile
05/99 Universidad del Salvador, Buenos Aires, Argentina
01/98 Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile
09/95 Universidad del Aconcagua, Mendoza, Argentina
13th RSAI World Conference, Virtual Conference (05/2021); VI Conference CUCS Network, Trento, Italy (09/2019); Rediscovering the Sources of Sustainable Development, Bergamo, Italy (11/2018); Cities and International Development Cooperation, Bergamo, Italy (05/2018); V Congress of CUCS Network, Milan, Italy (09/2017); ERSA 57th Congress, Groningen, The Netherlands (09/2017); RSA Annual Conference, Dublin, Ireland (06/2017); XV Annual Workshop SIEPI, Palermo, Italy (02/2017); Conference on the Strategic Partnership between Latin America and European Union and the Challenges of Globalization, Milan, Italy (01/2013); Annual Conference of Éupolis Lombardia, Milan, Italy (10/2013, 01/2012); AISRe Annual Scientific Conference, Palermo, Italy (09/2013), Turin, Italy (09/2011), Pisa, Italy (10/2006), Sondrio, Italy (10/1996), Matera, Italy (10/1994); 15th McGill International Entrepreneurship Conference, Pavia, Italy (09/2012); 1st International Workshop on Regional Critical Infrastructure Protection Programmes, Milan, Italy (11/2011); Annual Conference of Federazione Lombarda delle BCC, Salonicco, Greece (10/2009); 3rd International Congress on Life of Medicines, Milan, Italy (09/2009); 20th Annual Johns Hopkins International Philantrophy Fellows Conference, Milan, Italy (06-07/2009); NATO Workshop on Control and Risk Prevention of Dangerous Materials and Crisis Management, Sofia, Bulgaria (03/2009); 50th Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business Conference, Milan, Italy (06-07/2008); OECD-APEC Global Conference, Athens, Greece (11/2006); UNIDO Workshop, Vienna, Austria (07/2006); 25th Session of the Working Party on SMEs & Entrepreneurship (WPSME), Trento, Italy (06/2005); Workshop on New Drivers for Economic Development in Latin America, Milan, Italy, (05/2005); Cuartos Encuentros Europa-America Latina, Valle de Bravo, Mexico (10/2003); Workshop on Europe and Latin-America in the Global Economy, Milan, Italy (01/2003); AIEL XVII Annual Conference, Messina, Italy (07/2003); Conference on Regional Differentials and Labor Policies - AIEL, Salerno, Italy (11/2000); Group on EU-MERCOSUR Negotiations, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (06/2000); XIV Congress of the European Society of Population Economics, Bonn, Germany (06/2000); Conference on the Multiplicity of Models of Development in the North of Italy, Parma, Italy (11/1997); III ECSA World Conference, Bruxelles, Belgium (09/1996), Berlin, Germany (09/1993); III Conference on Joint-Ventures of Italian Enterprises in Argentina, Salta, Argentina (09/1995); 2nd Seminar on International Perspective, Bogota, Colombia (07/1994)
05/12 Award by the Scientific Committee of the First Report on Finance of the Rosselli Foundation “Finanza Pubblica e Federalismo. Strumenti finanziari innovativi: autonomia e sostenibilità” for one of the two best papers of the Report itself.
Reference in Publications:
- Brugnoli A. (2012), «La valorizzazione dei patrimoni immobiliari come strumento per finanziare gli investimenti delle amministrazioni pubbliche locali: strategie di riferimento, casi rilevanti e modelli emergenti», in M. Nicolai (ed.), Finanza Pubblica e Federalismo. Strumenti finanziari innovativi: autonomia e sostenibilità, Maggioli Editore, Santarcangelo di Romagna, pp. 539-576, ISBN: 88-387-7339-4
08/09 Award by the NATO Assistant Secretary General for Public Diplomacy for the advanced research workshop on “Control and Risk Prevention of dangerous Materials and Crisis Management”- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Science for Peace and Security (SPS) Programme.
Reference in Publications:
- Brugnoli A. (ed.) (2010), Dangerous Materials: Control, Risk Prevention and Crisis Management. From New Global Threats to New Global Responses: A Picture of Transition, Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 1-165, ISBN: 978-90-48197-46-0
05/99 Recognition: Contribution by Università Bocconi to support the editorial activity of young professors and researchers for the publication: "Recent Experiences and Future Perspective of Financial Systems in Latin America: The Case of Argentina and Chile.
Reference in Publications:
- Albano A., Brugnoli A. (1999), Financial Systems in Latin America: Focus on Argentina and Chile, EGEA, Milano, pp. 1-155, ISBN: 88-238-0518-X
Italian (mother tongue), English (fluent), Spanish (fluent), Portuguese (basic)
Pubblicazioni (154)
Insegnamenti offerta formativa corrente (5)
Secondo Semestre (17/02/2025 - 24/05/2025)
- 2024
Laurea Magistrale
SSD SECS-P/06, 6 CFU, 36 ore
SSD SECS-P/06, 6 CFU, 36 ore
Secondo Semestre (17/02/2025 - 24/05/2025)
- 2024
Laurea Magistrale
SSD SECS-P/06, 6 CFU, 36 ore
SSD SECS-P/06, 6 CFU, 36 ore
Secondo Semestre (17/02/2025 - 31/05/2025)
- 2024
Laurea Magistrale
SSD SECS-P/06, 6 CFU, 36 ore
SSD SECS-P/06, 6 CFU, 36 ore
Primo Semestre (16/09/2024 - 20/12/2024)
- 2024
SSD SECS-P/06, 6 CFU, 48 ore
SSD SECS-P/06, 6 CFU, 48 ore
Primo Semestre (16/09/2024 - 20/12/2024)
- 2024
SSD SECS-P/06, 3 CFU, 24 ore
SSD SECS-P/06, 3 CFU, 24 ore
No Results Found