Ricercatori a tempo determinato
Course Catalogue:
Cv Allegato
CV Riceputi Elisa_eng.pdf (Curriculum of Scientific and Academic Activity)
Curriculum Vitae
_Current Position_
Assistant Professor at University of Bergamo, Department of Engineer and Applied Sciences (January 2020 - today)
_Previous Positions_
- July 2018 - May 2020: she holds a Supporting Talented Researchers (STaRs) grant entitled "Project of microelectronic systems for antimatter detectors in cosmic ray astrophysics applications" at the University of Bergamo (Tutor: Prof. Massimo Manghisoni). The Supporting Talented Researchers (STaRs) program is a support tool for young researchers from the University of Bergamo.
- February - June 2018: receives an external collaboration contract for technological research activities with the University of Bergamo. Subject of the assignment "Design and development of an instrument for measuring the noise of DEPFET devices".
- November 2017: receives an external collaboration contract for technological research activities with the University of Bergamo. Subject of the assignment "Characterization of 5 'large format bare modules' for the XFEL experiment".
- December 2016 - March 2017: receives an assignment for collaboration in technological research activities with the University of Bergamo. Subject of the assignment "Development of algorithms for walking analysis of patients suffering from diseases of the central nervous system".
- March, 2013: Master Degree in Physics at University of Milano Bicocca
- March 21, 2018: PhD in Engineer and Applied Science at University of Bergamo
_Scientific Pubblications_
Elisa Riceputi is author or coauthor of 47 scientific publications.
Bibliometric indicators (as extracted from Scopus):
Entries: 47
Citations: 232
h-index: 9
_Research Activity_
The scientific activity of Elisa Riceputi focuses on the design and characterization of low-noise analog electronics for high-energy physics experiments, for imaging with latest generation X-ray sources and for low-energy astroparticle physics experiments. In particular, her activity is divided along the following main lines of research:
1. design and testing of circuits for processing signals from detectors of radiation;
2. study of the noise and radiation resistance characteristics of individual devices in different CMOS technologies;
3. characterization of modules composed of pixel detectors connected to integrated circuits reading through the use of a mechanical probe station.
_Research projects_
From 2014 to today, Elisa Riceputi has been part of the RD53 collaboration, organized by CERN, whose purpose is the design of the next generation of hybrid pixel reading chips for the ATLAS and CMS experiments. The activity to which Elisa Riceputi has contributed most in this collaboration is the study of the radiation resistance of the individual transistors in the 65nm CMOS technology used for the chips designed by RD53.
In 2014 and 2015 Elisa Riceputi collaborated in the INFN experiment - Group V, CHIPIX65. The CHIPIX65 activity took place in the context of RD53 and was aimed at the development of an innovative chip, in 65nm CMOS technology, for reading hybrid pixels in experiments with very high fluxes of particles and radiation at High Luminosity LHC and in future collider.
Elisa Riceputi has been collaborating, since 2016, with the DSSC consortium (DEPFET Sensors with Signal Compression), for the development of a detector to be used in experiments at European XFEL. The consortium includes several Italian and German research institutes, including the University of Heidelberg, DESY, the Milan Polytechnic and the University of Bergamo.
From 2017 to today Elisa Riceputi has been involved in the international collaboration of the GAPS experiment (INFN experiment - Group II), in the context of the design and development of an integrated circuit capable of collecting and processing the signals coming from strip detectors. Silicon-Lithium, Si (Li). The collaboration includes several Italian, US and Japanese research institutes and space agencies, such as MIT, Columbia University, University of Bergamo, National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN), Italian Space Agency (ASI), JAXA.
_Teaching Activity_
Since 2016 Elisa Riceputi has been teaching tutoring at the University of Bergamo. The teaching activity of Tutoring was carried out within the Bachelor's and Master's Degree Courses in Mechanical Engineering and Master's Computer Engineering, in the following courses:
- Sensors
- Electronic instrumentation
- Industrial electronics
- Fundamentals of electronics
Elisa Riceputi is currently responsible for the Courses:
- "Sensing devices laboratory" at University of Bergamo
- "Biosensor and Monitoring" at Univeristy of Milano-Bicocca
- June 2018: Elisa Riceputi receives from the Italian Society of Electronics (SIE) the award for the best PhD thesis in Electronics of the 2016/2017 academic year, discussed in 2018.
- December 2018: Elisa Riceputi receives the second prize ex-aequo Gatti-Manfredi as "Best Ph.D. Thesis Award in Radiation Instrumentation" for her doctoral thesis. The award is awarded by the IEEE NPS Italy Chapter to researchers who have obtained their PhD from an Italian university and to researchers of Italian nationality who have obtained their PhD from a foreign university.
Assistant Professor at University of Bergamo, Department of Engineer and Applied Sciences (January 2020 - today)
_Previous Positions_
- July 2018 - May 2020: she holds a Supporting Talented Researchers (STaRs) grant entitled "Project of microelectronic systems for antimatter detectors in cosmic ray astrophysics applications" at the University of Bergamo (Tutor: Prof. Massimo Manghisoni). The Supporting Talented Researchers (STaRs) program is a support tool for young researchers from the University of Bergamo.
- February - June 2018: receives an external collaboration contract for technological research activities with the University of Bergamo. Subject of the assignment "Design and development of an instrument for measuring the noise of DEPFET devices".
- November 2017: receives an external collaboration contract for technological research activities with the University of Bergamo. Subject of the assignment "Characterization of 5 'large format bare modules' for the XFEL experiment".
- December 2016 - March 2017: receives an assignment for collaboration in technological research activities with the University of Bergamo. Subject of the assignment "Development of algorithms for walking analysis of patients suffering from diseases of the central nervous system".
- March, 2013: Master Degree in Physics at University of Milano Bicocca
- March 21, 2018: PhD in Engineer and Applied Science at University of Bergamo
_Scientific Pubblications_
Elisa Riceputi is author or coauthor of 47 scientific publications.
Bibliometric indicators (as extracted from Scopus):
Entries: 47
Citations: 232
h-index: 9
_Research Activity_
The scientific activity of Elisa Riceputi focuses on the design and characterization of low-noise analog electronics for high-energy physics experiments, for imaging with latest generation X-ray sources and for low-energy astroparticle physics experiments. In particular, her activity is divided along the following main lines of research:
1. design and testing of circuits for processing signals from detectors of radiation;
2. study of the noise and radiation resistance characteristics of individual devices in different CMOS technologies;
3. characterization of modules composed of pixel detectors connected to integrated circuits reading through the use of a mechanical probe station.
_Research projects_
From 2014 to today, Elisa Riceputi has been part of the RD53 collaboration, organized by CERN, whose purpose is the design of the next generation of hybrid pixel reading chips for the ATLAS and CMS experiments. The activity to which Elisa Riceputi has contributed most in this collaboration is the study of the radiation resistance of the individual transistors in the 65nm CMOS technology used for the chips designed by RD53.
In 2014 and 2015 Elisa Riceputi collaborated in the INFN experiment - Group V, CHIPIX65. The CHIPIX65 activity took place in the context of RD53 and was aimed at the development of an innovative chip, in 65nm CMOS technology, for reading hybrid pixels in experiments with very high fluxes of particles and radiation at High Luminosity LHC and in future collider.
Elisa Riceputi has been collaborating, since 2016, with the DSSC consortium (DEPFET Sensors with Signal Compression), for the development of a detector to be used in experiments at European XFEL. The consortium includes several Italian and German research institutes, including the University of Heidelberg, DESY, the Milan Polytechnic and the University of Bergamo.
From 2017 to today Elisa Riceputi has been involved in the international collaboration of the GAPS experiment (INFN experiment - Group II), in the context of the design and development of an integrated circuit capable of collecting and processing the signals coming from strip detectors. Silicon-Lithium, Si (Li). The collaboration includes several Italian, US and Japanese research institutes and space agencies, such as MIT, Columbia University, University of Bergamo, National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN), Italian Space Agency (ASI), JAXA.
_Teaching Activity_
Since 2016 Elisa Riceputi has been teaching tutoring at the University of Bergamo. The teaching activity of Tutoring was carried out within the Bachelor's and Master's Degree Courses in Mechanical Engineering and Master's Computer Engineering, in the following courses:
- Sensors
- Electronic instrumentation
- Industrial electronics
- Fundamentals of electronics
Elisa Riceputi is currently responsible for the Courses:
- "Sensing devices laboratory" at University of Bergamo
- "Biosensor and Monitoring" at Univeristy of Milano-Bicocca
- June 2018: Elisa Riceputi receives from the Italian Society of Electronics (SIE) the award for the best PhD thesis in Electronics of the 2016/2017 academic year, discussed in 2018.
- December 2018: Elisa Riceputi receives the second prize ex-aequo Gatti-Manfredi as "Best Ph.D. Thesis Award in Radiation Instrumentation" for her doctoral thesis. The award is awarded by the IEEE NPS Italy Chapter to researchers who have obtained their PhD from an Italian university and to researchers of Italian nationality who have obtained their PhD from a foreign university.
Pubblicazioni (58)
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