FELLIN Lisa Chiara
Docenti di ruolo di IIa fascia
Course Catalogue:
Curriculum Vitae
Lisa Chiara FELLIN
Dipartimento di Scienze Umane e della Persona
Università degli Studi di Bergamo
piazzale S. Agostino, 2
24129 Bergamo - BG
Ufficio n.2
Tel. 035-2052974
Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale 2021/2023 I Fascia - Settore Concorsuale: 11/E4.
Scopus Author ID: 37064395100
Web of Science ResearcherID: GSE-1661-2022
Iscrizione all’Ordine degli Psicologi della Lombardia n. 03/8795
Iscrizione all’Elenco degli Psicoterapeuti della Lombardia n. 10/8206
Socia Ordinaria Didatta della Società Italiana di Psicologia e Psicoterapia Relazionale (S.I.P.P.R.) e dell’ Associazione Italiana di Psicologia (AIP)
Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy (FHEA)
Esperienza professionale
Dal 1/11/2020 -
Professoressa associata in Psicologia clinica del Dipartimento di Scienze Umane e Sociali dell’Università degli Studi di Bergamo.
Dal 2023- Honorary Associate Professor, University of Stirling (Scotland, UK).
Da novembre 2015- ottobre 2020
Senior Lecturer in Psychology
Research Director - Professional Doctorate in Counselling Psychology
University of East London, UK
2015-2016: Coordinatrice del corso di Family & Systemic Therapies del Master in Clinical
& Community Psychology
Supervisore ed esaminatore di tesi di dottorato (PhD e Professional Doctorate)
Da ottobre 2014- ottobre 2015
Senior Lecturer in Psychology and Counselling
School of Social Sciences, The University of Northampton, UK
Dal 1 dicembre 2008 – agosto 2015
Ricercatrice universitaria di ruolo per il settore scientifico disciplinare M-PSI/08 – Psicologia clinica, Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione, Università degli Studi di Bergamo, P.le S. Agostino, 2 - 24129 Bergamo.
Dal 16/09/2009- agosto 2015
Professoressa aggregata del Dipartimento di Scienze della Persona dell’Università degli Studi di Bergamo.
Dall’ 1/12/2009- agosto 2015
Membro del Collegio didattico del Dottorato in Psicologia clinica dell’Università degli Studi di Bergamo.
Dal 23/12/2009-2013 Membro designato dalla Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione della Commissione Rapporti Internazionali di Ateneo dell’Università degli Studi di Bergamo per il quadriennio accademico 2009/2013.
Progetti di ricerca finanziati:
In corso:
-2023- progetto PRIN 2022: Aesthetics and Creativity to support the vaLidation of an e-health rehabIlitation protoCol for neurological patients (CLICk), P.I. Katiuscia Sacco (€ 231.162)
-2019- 2023: Co-investigator and Workpackage leader for the ESRC Grant- Developing the evidence base for innovation in social care for children and families affected by domestic abuse (CAFADA) – (Total value £2.000.000 Project Lead, Stirling: Jane Callaghan).
-2016-2019- Big Lottery funding The SHE Project - 'Safe, Healthy and Empowered': A systemic programme for families affected by domestic violence. (Total value £650.000). PI, Northampton: Jane Callaghan. Role: co-investigator, consultant and clinical supervisor
-2016-2019- East Midlands CYP IAPT Collaborative- Increasing Access to Psychological Therapies (NHS England). (Total value £1.8 million, University of Northampton portion £550000 per annum). Project Lead, Northampton: Jane Callaghan.
- Semantic cohesion in mono-cultural and intercultural couples. Project Leads: Valeria Ugazio & Reenee Singh.
- 2013-2016: Academy of Finland Research Programme on the Human Mind: “Relational mind in multiactor therapeutic dialogues” (€ 834.236 fund). PI: prof. Jaakko Seikkula.
- 2013-2015 Understanding Agency and Resistance Strategies: Children in Situations of Domestic Abuse (UNARS). European Commission's DAPHNE III funding. (€ 380.000) P.I. Dr J. Callaghan.
- 2013-2014: Midlands Strategic Health Authority to evaluate the Midlands and East Mental Health and Wellbeing Project, (fund £81.000). P.I. Dr J. Callaghan.
Attività Didattica pregressa
Università degli Studi di Bergamo – Dipartimento di Scienze Umane e Sociali:
A.A. 2014-15: Clinical Psychology - MSc in Clinical psychology for individuals, families and organizations.
A.A. 2011-12: Titolare dell’insegnamento (5 CFU, 30h) “Psicologia Clinica (corso avanzato)” e dell’insegnamento (5 + 5 CFU, 60h) di “Tecniche del colloquio clinico con l'individuo, la famiglia e i gruppi” del Corso di Laurea magistrale in Psicologia Clinica. Tutor per “Research in Clinical Psychology” - MSc in Clinical psychology for individuals, families and organizations.
A.A. 2010-11: Titolare dell’insegnamento di “Tecniche del colloquio clinico con l'individuo, la famiglia e i gruppi” (laboratorio) del Corso di Laurea magistrale in Psicologia Clinica.
A.A. 2009-2010: Titolare dell’insegnamento di “Psicopatologia II” (laboratorio) del Corso di Laurea magistrale in Psicologia Clinica.
A.A. 2008-2009: Titolare dell’insegnamento di “Teoria e tecnica del colloquio con la coppia e la famiglia” (laboratorio) del Corso di Laurea Specialistica in Psicologia Clinica.
Dall’A.A. 2004-05: Attività di docenza universitaria in vari corsi del settore Psicologia Clinica.
Attività Didattica extra-accademica:
A.A. 2023/24- Docenza al Master in Personal Construct Psychology and Counselling, University of Padua.
2017- Supervisore di tesi di ricerca- MSc in Family and Systemic Psychotherapy – Institute of Family Therapy (IFT), London, UK.
24 ottobre – 30 novembre 2011: Visiting Lecturer (Teaching Staff Mobility Program 2011/2012) presso il Department of Psychology della University of Surrey (Guildford, UK).
14-15 Febbraio 2011: presso l’University of Jyväskylä (Finland) nell’ambito del I European Family Therapy research group (EFTR) meeting.
21-25 Febbraio 2011: presso l’A.O. Ospedale Niguarda Ca' Granda di Milano nell’ambito del Corso di Alta Specializzazione in Nutrizione clinica: obesità, sindrome metabolica, binge eating disorders: Corso di Alta Specializzazione in Nutrizione Clinica.
10 e 11 dicembre 2010: presso l’European Institute of Systemic-relational Therapies (E.I.S.T.) di Milano nell’ambito del seminario Semantiche Familiari e psicopatologie fra clinica, ricerca e letteratura, Circolo Culturale Navigli, Milano.
Responsabilità, affiliazioni ed incarichi di carattere scientifico:
Dal 2022: Vice Direttrice del CISAlpino Institute for Comparative Studies in Europe (CCSE), Centro di Ricerca di studi comparati, con sede presso l’Università degli Studi di Bergamo.
Dal 2016: Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA), UK
Dal 2012: Membro del Direttivo della Fondazione FOBAN – Fondazione Obesità Bulimia Anoressia e Nutrizione.
Membro della Society for Psychotherapy Research (SPR).
2011-2013: Membro del Gruppo di lavoro “Progetto Università” - Ordine degli Psicologi della Lombardia (OPL), comprendente un rappresentante per ogni Corso di Laurea in Psicologia degli Atenei lombardi.
Istruzione e formazione Dal marzo 2011: Membro del European Family Therapy Research Group (EFTRG) costituito insieme ai proff.: E. Avdi (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece) M. Borcsa (University of Applied Sciences Nordhausen/Germany), P. Rober (University of Leuven, Belgium) J. Salgado (ISMAI, Portugal), J. Seikkula & J. Wahlström (University of Jyvaskyla, Finland), V. Ugazio (Università degli Studi di Bergamo).
Attivita’ di revisore scientifico
2023 Expert European Commission
2022 Agency for Health Quality and Assessment of Catalonia, Spain - Marató of TV3 review process- Agència de Qualitat i Avaluació Sanitàries de Catalunya (AQuAS)
Departament de Salut- Generalitat de Catalunya
Attivita’ editoriale
Associate Editor:
- Journal of Family Therapy
- Developmental Child Welfare
- Frontiers in Psychology - Psychology for Clinical Settings
Editorial Board: - Contemporary Family Therapy
- Eating and Weight Disorders: Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity
- Human Systems: The Journal of Therapy, Consultation and Training (Ad hoc reviewer)
- Feminism & Psychology: (Ad hoc reviewer)
- Journal of Gender Studies: (Ad hoc reviewer)
- Journal of Health Psychology: (Ad hoc reviewer)
- Children & Society
- Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy: (Ad hoc reviewer)
- Psychology of Violence: (Ad hoc reviewer)
- TPM -Testing, Psychometrics, Methodology In Applied Psychology (Ad hoc reviewer)
- In Mind– Italian chapter (Past Co-Editor): online peer-review Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology
Guest Editor for Special Issues (2022/23):
Frontiers in Psychology - Psychology for Clinical Settings:
- “Systemic Explanations of Psychological Symptoms and Distress in Clinical and Research Practice”
- “Climate Change Challenge in Psychology for Clinical Settings”
Guest Editor for Special Issues (2023/24):
- “Gender Bias in Diagnosis and Treatment for Women” -Frontiers in Psychology - Psychology for Clinical Settings
- "Children and Young People’s Mental Health in a “Post-pandemic” Age" - Frontiers in Psychology- Developmental Psychology
- "Domestic Violence during and after the Lockdown: the Shadow Pandemic"- Behavioral Sciences:
Attività Clinica
2004 – 2009 Attività libero-professionale come psicologa clinica presso il Centro Noesis e tirocinio professionale (180h annue) come psicoterapeuta in formazione presso l’Istituto Auxologico Italiano, Milano (tutor: prof. E. Molinari).
2005 – 2007 Osservazione, in qualità di dottoranda di ricerca, dietro lo specchio unidirezionale di psicoterapie sistemico-relazionale individuali, di coppia e familiari condotte dalla Prof.ssa Valeria Ugazio presso l’E.I.S.T. di Milano.
2003 – 2004 Dipartimento di Psichiatria, University of Toronto (Canada): Tirocinio post-lauream presso l’Inpatient Eating Disorders Program, Toronto General Hospital, diretto dal prof. B. Woodside: attività clinica e psicodiagnostica con pazienti ricoverati, e attività di ricerca scientifica in ambito clinico.
2002 – 2003 Dipartimento di Scienze Neurologiche e Psichiatriche dell’Età Evolutiva, Università “La Sapienza”, Roma: Attività di raccolta dati e collaborazione alle attività di ricerca scientifica presso l’ambulatorio per i disturbi alimentari e l’obesità diretto dal prof. Massimo Cuzzolaro.
2000 – 2002 Centro per la Cura dei Disturbi del Comportamento Alimentare e dell’Obesità, Az. Osped. Niguarda Cà Granda di Milano: Osservazione dell’attività e affiancamento degli psicoterapeuti del servizio.
Settembre 2016- aprile 2019
EMDR level I-III training
Richman EMDR Training, London, UK - approved by the EMDR International Association and EMDR-Europe Association.
Novembre 2005- Novembre 2009
Diploma di Scuola Quadriennale di Specializzazione in Psicoterapia sistemico-relazionale individuale, di coppia e familiare (110/110 con lode).
EIST (European Institute of Systemic-relational Therapies) riconosciuto dal MIUR, con sede a Milano.
1.01.2005 -15.02.2008
Dottore di Ricerca in Psicologia Clinica
Università degli Studi di Bergamo
Ottobre 1998- 17/07/2003
Laurea in Psicologia con una tesi sperimentale dal titolo: “Obesità e disturbi alimentari: un approccio psicometrico”, condotta sugli indicatori di psicopatologia generale e di disturbo dell’immagine del corpo in 730 pazienti ambulatoriali (110/110). Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca.
Data Bergamo, 3/04/2024
Elenco delle pubblicazioni scientifiche- Lisa Chiara Fellin
Refereed articles in Academic Journals:
1. McAllister, L., Callaghan, J. & Fellin, L.C. (accepted). The phenomenology of humour in firefighters’ embodied practices: Turning down the heat?" Feminism & Psychology
2. Callaghan, J., Fellin, L.C., Sixsmith, J., Mavrou, S., Alexander, J. Papathanasiou, M. & Deligianni-Kouimtzi, V. (accepted). Managing masculinity when growing up with a violent father: A qualitative study of boys’ experiences. Violence Against Women
3. Lo Bianco, F., Fellin, L.C., & Gandino, G. (2024). “Partorirai con dolore, sola e con mascherina”: Un’analisi tematica dell’esperienza delle partorienti durante la pandemia da Covid-19 in Italia. Psicologia clinica dello sviluppo, 1-27. DOI: 10.1449/112821
4. Fellin L.C., Zizevskaia, E., & Galbusera, L. (2024). Is the mainstream construction of mood disorders resistant to systemic thinking? Frontiers in Psychiatry. 14:1270027. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1270027
5. Callaghan, J., Fellin, L.C., Mavrou, S., Alexander, J., Deligianni-Kouimtzi, V., Papathanasiou, M. & Sixsmith, J., (2023). Part of the Family: Children’s experiences with their companion animals in the context of domestic violence and abuse, Journal of Family Violence.
6. Alphonsus, E., Fellin L.C., Thoma, S., & Galbusera, L. (2023). “They have taken out my spin cord”: an interpretative phenomenological analysis of self-boundary in psychosis within a sociocentric culture. Frontiers in Psychiatry- Psychopathology.
7. Cadenhead, R.A. & Fellin L.C. (2023). Cultural reflexivity and the referral problem: A discourse analysis of three initial sessions of intercultural couple therapy. Journal of Family Therapy.
8. Ugazio V., & Fellin, L.C. (2022). Le dinamiche di potere nella terapia con anoressiche e bulimiche: da vincolo a risorsa? Terapia Familiare, 128, 31-54. 10.3280/TF2022-128003
9. Thoma, S., Konrad, M., Fellin L.C., & Galbusera, L. (2022). Paving the way for systemic phenomenological psychiatry - the forgotten heritage of Wolfgang Blankenburg, Frontiers in Psychiatry- Psychopathology. 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.909488
10. Alexander, J., Callaghan, J. & Fellin, L. (2022). Genograms in research: participants’ reflections of the genogram process. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 1-21. 10.1080/14780887.2018.1545066.
11. Ugazio V., Pennacchio R., Fellin L., Guarnieri, S. & Anselmi. P. (2020). Explaining symptoms in systemic therapy. Does triadic thinking come into play? Frontiers in Psychology-Psychology for Clinical Settings
12. Smith, L., Callaghan, J.E.M, & Fellin, L. (2020). “Why do we do it?!” A study investigating experiences and understanding of motivations of Samaritan volunteers. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling.
13. Fellin, L.C., Callaghan, J. E., Alexander, J. H., Mavrou, S. & Harrison‐Breed, C. (2019). Child's Play? Children and Young People's Resistances to Domestic Violence and Abuse. Children and Society, 33: 126-141. doi:10.1111/chso.12302
14. Fellin, L.C., Callaghan, J.E., Alexander, J.H., Harrison-Breed, C., Mavrou, S., & Papathanasiou, M. (2019). Empowering young people who experienced domestic violence and abuse: The development of a group therapy intervention. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 24(1), 170–189.
15. Callaghan, J.E.M., Fellin, L.C. & Alexander, J.H. (2019). Promoting Resilience and Agency in Children and Young People Who Have Experienced Domestic Violence and Abuse: the “MPOWER” Intervention. Journal of Family Violence.
16. Childs-Fegredo, J. & Fellin, L. (2018). 'Everyone should do it': client experience of receiving adapted Dialectical Behaviour Therapy - an interpretative phenomenological analysis. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 18(3), 319-331. (10.1002/capr.12178).
17. McAllister, L., Callaghan, J. & Fellin, L. (2019). Masculinities and emotional expression in UK Servicemen: “Big boys don’t cry”? Journal of Gender Studies, 28:3, 257-270.
18. Galbusera, L., Fellin, L.C., & Fuchs, T. (2019). Toward the recovery of a sense of self: An interpretative phenomenological analysis of patients' experience of body-oriented psychotherapy for schizophrenia. Psychotherapy Research.
19. Callaghan, J., Fellin, L.C., Mavrou, S., Alexander, J. & Sixsmith, J. (2017). The Management of Disclosure in Children’s Accounts of Domestic Violence: Practices of Telling and Not Telling. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 26: 3370
20. Callaghan, J.E.M., Fellin, L.C., Alexander, J.H., Mavrou, S., & Papathanaasiou, M. (2017). Children and Domestic Violence: Emotional Competencies in Embodied and Relational Contexts. Psychology of Violence
21. Callaghan, J., Fellin, L. C. & Warner-Gale, F. (2017). A critical analysis of Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services policy in England. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 22, 1(1), 109-127. DOI:
22. Callaghan, J.E.M., Alexander, J.H., & Fellin, L.C. (2016). Children’s embodied experience of living with domestic violence: ‘‘I’d go into my panic, and shake, really bad’’, Subjectivity, 9, 399–419. doi:10.1057/s41286-016-0011-9;
23. Dann, C., Callaghan, J.E.M, & Fellin, L. (2016). Tattooed female bodies: Considerations from the literature. Psychology of Women Section Review, 18(1).
24. Callaghan, J.E.M., Alexander, J.H., Fellin, L.C., & Sixsmith, J. (2016). Children’s experiences of domestic violence and abuse: siblings’ accounts of relational coping. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry. doi:10.1177/1359104515620250
25. Callaghan, J. E. M., Alexander, J. H., Sixsmith, J. & Fellin, L. C. (2018). Beyond “witnessing”: Children’s Experiences of Coercive Control in Domestic Violence and Abuse. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. doi: 10.1177/0886260515618946
26. Callaghan, J., Gambo, Y., & Fellin, L., (2015). Hearing the Silences: Adult Nigerian Women’s Accounts of Early Marriages. Feminism & Psychology, 25(4), 506-527. doi:10.1177/0959353515590691
27. Ugazio V., Negri A., & Fellin L., (2015). Freedom, Goodness, Power and Belonging: The Semantics of Phobic, Obsessive- compulsive, Eating, and Mood Disorders. Journal of Constructivist Psychology, 28(4), 293-315, doi:10.1080/10720537.2014.951109
28. Galbusera, L., & Fellin, L. (2014). The intersubjective endeavour of psychopathology research: methodological reflections on a second person perspective approach. Frontiers in Psychology, 5(1150). doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.01150
29. Ugazio V., Fellin L., Pennacchio R., Negri A, & Colciago F. (2012). Is systemic thinking really extraneous to common sense? Journal of Family Therapy, 34(1), 53–71. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-6427.2011.00538.x.
30. Ugazio V., Fellin L., Pennacchio R., Negri A, & Colciago F. (2010). L’ermeneutica triadica sistemica è davvero estranea al senso comune? Terapia Familiare, 92, 31-54.
31. Ugazio V., Negri A., Fellin L., & Di Pasquale, R. (2009). The Family Semantics Grid (FSG) - The narrated polarities. A Manual for the Semantic Analysis of Therapeutic Conversations and Self Narratives. TPM. Testing, Psychometrics, Methodology In Applied Psychology, 16(4), 165-192. ISSN: 1972-6325.
32. Ugazio V., Fellin L., Colciago F., Pennacchio R., & Negri A., (2008). 1 to 3: from the monad to the triad. A unitizing and coding manual for the fields of inference of causal explanations. TPM. Testing, Psychometrics, Methodology In Applied Psychology, 15(4), 171-192. ISSN: 1972-6325.
33. Lombardo, C.,Violani, C., Tiberi, S., Devoto, A., Fellin, L., Vetrone, G., & Cuzzolaro, M. (2003). Validità di un questionario per la valutazione dei comportamenti alimentari disturbati (DEQ). Psichiatria dell’infanzia e dell’adolescenza, 70, 477-490.
Chapters in edited books:
1. Ugazio, V., & Fellin, L.C. (2024). I percorsi terapeutici alternati: un protocollo flessibile per affrontare anoressia e bulimia adolescenziali. In M. Mariotti, Saba, G., Sluski, C. e C. Loriedo (Ed.), Evidenze e creatività in psicoterapia sistemica e relazionale. Franco Angeli.
2. Ugazio V., & Fellin L.C. (2023). ¿Cómo afrontar los dilemas de la psicoterapia con mujeres jóvenes anoréxicas y bulímicas? Una propuesta. In G. Resendiz (Ed.), Psicoterapia Sistémico Relacional. Voces y prácticas contemporaneas hoy. Gedisa Ed.
3. Callaghan, J., Fellin, L.C. & Alexander, J. (2017). Children’s experiences of domestic violence: a teaching and training challenge. In: Newnes, C. and Golding, L. (eds.) Teaching Critical Psychology: International Perspectives. UK: Routledge pp. 219-237.
4. Callaghan, J.E.M., Fellin, L. & Alexander, J. (2017). Beyond Vulnerability: Working with children who have experienced domestic violence. In C. Brownlow, L. O’Dell and H. Bertilsdotter-Rosqvist (Eds). Different Childhoods. London: Routledge.
5. Gentile, M.G. & Fellin, L., (2017). Anorexia. In Hickson, M and Smith, S (Eds). Advanced Nutrition and Dietetics in Nutrition Support. Chichester: Wiley.
6. Ugazio, V., & Fellin, L., (2016). Family Semantic Polarities and Positionings. A semantic analysis. In Borcsa, M. & Rober, P. (Eds.). Research Perspectives in Couple Therapy: Discursive qualitative methods. Springer International Publishing. 10.1007/978-3-319-23306-2
7. Alexander, J., Callaghan, J., Sixsmith, J. & Fellin, L. (2016). Children’s corporeal agency and use of space in situations of domestic violence. In: Horton, J., Evans, B. and Skelton, T. (eds.) Play, Recreation, Health and Well Being; Vol. 9 of Skelton, T. (ed.) Geographies of Children and Young People. Singapore: Springer. pp. 1-21.
8. Callaghan, J., Fellin, L., & Alexander, J., (2016). Looked After Children: Mental Health and Use of Space. In Horton, J and Evans, B. (eds). Play, Recreation, Health and Well Being, Vol. 9 of Skelton, T. (ed.) Geographies of Children and Young People. Springer Singapore.
9. Fellin, L. (2013). Polarità semantiche familiari. (Family Semantic Polarities). In G. Nardone & A. Salvini (Eds.), Dizionario Internazionale di Psicoterapia, (pp. 448-451). Milano: Garzanti, ISBN 978881174093-3.
10. Fellin, L., & Pandolfi, M. (2011). Vincenti o perdenti? Studio preliminare di applicabilità dello IAT come misura implicita delle polarità semantiche prevalenti nei disturbi alimentari. (Winner or losers? A preliminary study of applicability of IAT to gauge Family Semantic Polarities in Eating disorders). In Quaderni di psicologia clinica 2 (pp.41-67). Bergamo: Sestante. ISBN: 978-88-6642-033-0.
11. Fellin, L., & Pennacchio, R. (2011). Ermeneutica sistemica e intenzionalità nella conversazione terapeutica. (Systemic hermeneutics and intentionality in therapeutic conversation). In Quaderni di psicologia clinica 2 (pp. 131-158). Bergamo: Sestante. ISBN: 978-88-6642-033-0.
12. Ugazio, V., Negri, A., & Fellin, L. (2011). Significato e psicopatologia. La semantica dei disturbi fobici, ossessivi, alimentari e depressivi. (Meaning and Psychopathology). In Quaderni di psicologia clinica 2 (pp.69-100). Bergamo: Sestante. ISBN: 978-88-6642-033-0.
13. Ugazio, V., Negri, A., Fellin, L., & Di Pasquale, R. (2011). La griglia delle Semantiche Familiari (GSF). Le Polarità Narrate. Manuale per l’analisi semantica di conversazioni terapeutiche e self-narratives. In P. Chianura, L. Chianura, E. Fuxa, S. Mazzoni (Eds.) Manuale clinico di terapia familiare. Volume III. Metodi e strumenti per la valutazione dei processi relazionali (pp. 75-111). Milano: F.Angeli. ISBN: 9788856836592.
14. Fellin, L., & Negri, A., (2010a). Disturbi alimentari: una prospettiva relazionale. (Eating disorders: A relational perspective) In Gentile, M.G. (Ed.), I disturbi del comportamento alimentare: curare il corpo, curare la mente (pp.121-141). Parma: Mattioli. ISBN: 978-88-6261-146-6.
15. Fellin, L., & Negri, A., (2010b). I disturbi alimentari: la sfida psicoterapeutica. (Eating disorders: A psychotherapeutic challenge). In Gentile, M.G. (Ed.), I disturbi del comportamento alimentare: curare il corpo, curare la mente (pp.143-160). Parma: Mattioli. ISBN: 978-88-6261-146-6.
16. Fellin, L., & Negri, A., (2010c). Verso il DSM-5. (Towards DSM-5). In Gentile, M.G. (Ed.), I disturbi del comportamento alimentare: curare il corpo, curare la mente (pp.161-177). Parma: Mattioli, 2010. ISBN: 978-88-6261-146-6.
17. Negri, A., & Fellin, L., (2010). Test e strumenti per l’assessment dei disturbi alimentari (Tests and tools for Eating disorders assessment). In Gentile, M.G. (Ed.), I disturbi del comportamento alimentare: curare il corpo, curare la mente. (pp. 179-194) Parma: Mattioli.
18. Cuzzolaro, M., Vetrone, G., Fellin, L.C., & Spissu, M. (2004). Prevenzione dei disturbi dell’alimentazione. In Gentile, M.G. (Ed.) Aggiornamenti in Nutrizione Clinica, Vol.12. Roma: Il Pensiero Scientifico, 21-33. ISBN: 978-88-490-0103-7.
19. Cuzzolaro, M., Vetrone, G., Scardigli, M.I., & Fellin, L. (2003). Il disagio psico-sociale dei soggetti obesi. In Gentile, M.G. (Ed.) Aggiornamenti in Nutrizione Clinica, Vol. 11. Roma: Il Pensiero Scientifico, 19-28. ISBN: 978-88-490-0080-1.
Refereed and published conference proceedings
1. Fellin, L.C. & Guarnieri, S. Like two shipwrecked drifting away: a case study of a therapeutic strategy with a low semantic cohesion couple – Paper presented in the Symposium: New perspectives on influences of families of origin on couple construction and their therapeutic use.11th Conference of the European Family Therapy Association EFTA, 8 September 2022, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
2. Fellin L., (2016). Deconstructing dominant narratives in adoption and foster care? An example of therapeutic conversations and visual relational maps. Paper presented in the symposium: Connections Across the Generations: Trauma & Corrective Scripts in Families (Convenors: Arlene Vetere & Rudi Dallos). II International Congress of Clinical and Health Psychology on Children and Adolescents, Barcelona, Spain, 17-19 November 2016.
3. Ugazio V., & Fellin L., (2016). Family semantic polarities as a guideline for therapy. In: “Origins and Originality in Family Therapy and Systemic Practice”. Final programme 9th Congress of European family Therapy Association – EFTA, Athens, Greece, September 28-October 1, 2016, p.47.
4. Fellin, L., Callaghan, J.E.M., Banda, E. & Ankofuah Mintah-Afful, N. (2016). ‘They look for a big psychological name to give it and then your child will be tagged’: A thematic analysis Black African/British parents’ perceptions of barriers to seeking counselling for their children in the UK. III Children and Adolescent Mental Health (CAMH) conference, The University of Northampton, UK, 06-08 July 2016.
5. Fellin, L., Harper, P. & Payne, V. (2016). The development and piloting of the Keys to Happier Living Toolkit for Primary Schools. III Children and Adolescent Mental Health (CAMH) conference, The University of Northampton, UK, 06-08 July 2016.
6. Fellin, L. (2016). Convener of the symposium: Steps beyond broken attachments in systemic work with adoption & foster care. III Children and Adolescent Mental Health (CAMH) conference, The University of Northampton, UK, 06-08 July 2016.
7. Fellin, L. (2016). The Scarlet Letter: Attachment as a dominant narrative in adoption and foster care? A thematic analysis of therapeutic narratives and visual relational maps. Paper presented in the symposium: Steps beyond broken attachments in systemic work with adoption & foster care. III Children and Adolescent Mental Health (CAMH) conference, The University of Northampton, UK, 06-08 July 2016.
8. Fellin, L. & Salamino, F. (2016). “Who is to blame?” Causal attributions in adoptive and foster families: a content and discourse analysis. Paper presented in the symposium: Steps beyond broken attachments in systemic work with adoption & foster care. III Children and Adolescent Mental Health (CAMH) conference, The University of Northampton, UK, 06-08 July 2016.
9. Fellin, L. (2016). Convener of the symposium: Disrupted attachments, disrupted families? Systemic pathways for change in adoption and foster care, presented to: Qualitative Research on Mental Health 6 (QRMH6), MAICh, Chania, Crete, Greece, 25-27 May 2016, pp.50-52.
10. Fellin, L. (2016). The Scarlet Letter: Attachment as a dominant narrative in adoption and foster care? A thematic analysis of therapeutic narratives and visual relational maps. Paper presented in the symposium: Disrupted attachments, disrupted families? Systemic pathways for change in adoption and foster care. Qualitative Research on Mental Health 6 (QRMH6), MAICh, Chania, Crete, Greece, 25-27 May 2016, pp.50-52.
11. Fellin, L. & Salamino, F. (2016). “Who is to blame?” Causal attributions in adoptive and foster families: a content and discourse analysis. Paper presented in the symposium: Disrupted attachments, disrupted families? Systemic pathways for change in adoption and foster care. Qualitative Research on Mental Health 6 (QRMH6), MAICh, Chania, Crete, Greece, 25-27 May 2016, pp.50-52.
12. Fellin, L., Callaghan, J.E.M., Banda, E. & Ankofuah Mintah-Afful, N. (2016). Black African/British parents’ perceptions of barriers to seeking counselling for their children in the UK: a qualitative investigation. Paper presented at the 22nd Annual BACP/SPR Research Conference ‘Research matters: evidence for an evolving profession’, Brighton, UK, 20- 21 May 2016, p.40.
13. Fellin, L., & Goodgame, J. (2016). Creative techniques in research and therapy with adoptive and foster families. Workshop presented at the 22nd Annual BACP/SPR Research Conference ‘Research matters: evidence for an evolving profession’ Brighton, UK, 20- 21 May 2016, p.87.
14. Callaghan, J., Alexander, J., Fellin, L. & Sixsmith, J. (2015). Fathers as objects, fathers as subjects: domestic violence, childhood and masculinities. Paper presented to: British Psychological Society Psychology of Women Section (POWS) Annual Conference 2015, Windsor, 08-10 July 2015.
15. Callaghan, J., Alexander, J., Fellin, L., Sixsmith, J. & Mavrou, S. (2015). Understanding agency and resistance strategies: children's experiences of domestic violence and abuse. Symposium presented to: European Conference on Domestic Violence (ECDV), Queen's University Belfast, 06-09 September 2015.
16. Callaghan, J., Alexander, J., Fellin, L. & Sixsmith, J. (2015). Children’s experiences of domestic violence and abuse: agency, resistance, resilience. Symposium presented to: Violence: Children, Family & Society Conference 2015, The University of Northampton, 24-26 June 2015.
17. Ugazio V., Negri A., & Fellin L., (2014). Family semantic polarities and therapeutic relationship in phobic, obsessive-compulsive, eating and mood disorders Narrated semantic polarities in the therapeutic conversation with phobic, eating, obsessive-compulsive and mood disorders. In 45th International Meeting of Society for Psychotherapy Research (SPR), Book of Abstracts – June 25-28 2014 Copenhagen, Denmark, p. 162-163.
18. Fellin L., Ugazio V., & Guarnieri, S. (2014). Semantic polarities in a couple therapy conversation Panel Qualitative Research in Systemic Therapy Practice - The Couple Therapy of Victoria &Alfonso In 45th International Meeting of Society for Psychotherapy Research (SPR), Book of Abstracts – June 25-28 2014 Copenhagen, Denmark, pp 98-100.
19. Fellin L., (2013). Convener of the symposium: Seven authors in search of a couple: A multiple reading of the same therapy. In: “Opportunities in a Time of Crisis: The Role of the Family”. Final programme and Abstracts Book of 8th Congress of European family Therapy Association – EFTA, Istanbul, Turkey, October 24-27, 2013, p.97.
20. Ugazio V., Fellin L., & Castelli D. (2013). Family semantic polarities and positionings in different psychopathologies. In: “Opportunities in a Time of Crisis: The Role of the Family”. Final programme and Abstracts Book of 8th Congress of European family Therapy Association – EFTA, Istanbul, Turkey, October 24-27, 2013, p.56.
21. Fellin L., & Emide, E., (2012). Beyond the sole mother: The emotional-relational context of postnatal depression. In Book of Abstracts of 3rd Joint Meeting of Society for Psychotherapy Research (SPR) of European and UK Chapters in Porto, Portugal – October 11-13, 2012, Portugal: CLM, p.22.
22. Colangelo L., & Fellin L., (2012). Helpful factors: A follow-up interview study on patients and therapist’s perspective on change process. In Book of Abstracts of 3rd Joint Meeting of Society for Psychotherapy Research (SPR) of European and UK Chapters in Porto, Portugal – October 11-13, 2012, Portugal: CLM, p.22.
23. Ugazio V., Negri A., & Fellin L., (2012). A systemic-constructionist approach to psychopathology: The Semantics of Phobic, Obsessive, Eating and Mood Disorders. In Book of Abstracts of 3rd Joint Meeting of Society for Psychotherapy Research (SPR) of European and UK Chapters in Porto, Portugal – October 11-13, 2012, Portugal: CLM, p.16.
24. Fellin L., & Emide, E., (2012). The Emotional-Interactive Loops In Narratives Of Women With Postnatal Depression. In: G. Graffigna, J.M. Morse, & A.C. Bosio (Eds.), Engaging people in health promotion & well-being. New opportunities and challenges for qualitative research - Proceedings of 2nd Global Congress for Qualitative Health Research. Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, Italy June, 28-30th, 2012, Milano: Vita e Pensiero, pp.79-80. ISBN: 978-88-343-2251-2.
25. Colangelo L., & Fellin L., (2012). Patients and therapist’s perspective on psychotherapeutic change and outcomes: A follow-up study. In: G. Graffigna, J.M. Morse, & A.C. Bosio (Eds.), Engaging people in health promotion & well-being. New opportunities and challenges for qualitative research - Proceedings of 2nd Global Congress for Qualitative Health Research. Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, Italy June, 28-30th, 2012, Milano: Vita e Pensiero, p.67. ISBN: 978-88-343-2251-2.
26. Ugazio V., Fellin L., & Negri A., (2012). The Semantics of Phobic, Obsessive, Eating and Mood Disorders. In: Giliberto, M., Dell'Aversano, C., & Velicogna F. (Eds.), PCP and Constructivism: ways of working, learning and living. Proceedings of the XVIIIth International Congress on Personal Construct Psychology. Venice, Italy, 20-24 July 2009, Firenze: Libri Liberi Editore. ISBN: 978-88-8415-101-8.
27. Pennacchio R., & Fellin L., (2011). Ermeneutica sistemica e intenzionalità nella conversazione terapeutica. In: AIP - XIII Congresso Nazionale della Sezione di Psicologia Clinica e Dinamica, September 16-18 2011, Università degli Studi di Catania, ATTI, p. 374, Torino: Espress Edizioni, ISBN: 978-88-97412-229.
28. Pennacchio R., & Fellin L., (2011). Le ipotesi nella consulenza sistemica: quali differenze tra paziente e terapeuta? In: AIP - XIII Congresso Nazionale della Sezione di Psicologia Clinica e Dinamica, September 16-18 2011, Università degli Studi di Catania, ATTI, p. 375, Torino: Espress Edizioni, ISBN: 978-88-97412-229.
29. Pennacchio R., Ugazio V., & Fellin L., (2011). Do patients and therapists recourse to different explanations to account for symptoms or problems? In: 42nd International Meeting of Society for Psychotherapy Research (SPR), Book of Abstracts. Bern, Switzerland, June 29-July 2, 2011. Ulm: Ulmer Textbank, p. 220, ISBN/ISSN: 978-3-926-00235-8.
30. Ugazio V., Fellin L., & Negri A. (2010). The Semantics of Phobic, Obsessive, Eating and Mood Disorders. In: 60 years of family therapy, 20 years of EFTA… and after? New ways for systemic practice. Programme and Book of Abstracts 7th Congress of European family Therapy Association – EFTA, Paris, France, October 29-31st 2010.
31. Mazzoleni A., Fellin L., Negri A., & Converti R.M. (2010). Promozione della qualità della vita nella disabilità: una lettura contestuale dell'intervento riabilitativo proposto presso il servizio DAT di Milano della Fondazione don Gnocchi. In: La Psicologia della salute tra ricerca e intervento nei servizi sociosanitari, nella comunità, nei luoghi di lavoro e nella scuola. Bergamo, September 23-25 2010, Milano: F.Angeli, pp. 181-182. ISBN: 978-88-568-3294-5.
32. Ugazio V., Negri A., Fellin L, & Zanaboni E. (2008). La conversazione terapeutica con i soggetti fobici è dominata dalla semantica della libertà?. In: Quaderni di Psicoterapia Cognitiva. Abstract book. Baia di Chia, Cagliari, 24-26 October 2008, p. 285-287, ISBN/ISSN: 1127-6347.
33. Fellin L., Ugazio V., Colciago F., & Pennacchio R. (2008). When 2 is not enough: systemic inference fields and therapeutic change. In: 39th International Meeting of Society for Psychotherapy Research (SPR), Book of Abstracts. Barcelona, Spain, June 18-21, 2008, ULM: Ulmer Textbank, p. 193, ISBN/ISSN: 978-84-691-4139-7.
34. Negri A., Ugazio V., Zanaboni E., & Fellin L. (2008). Eating Disorders: a Problem of Positioning within a "Semantic of Power". In: 39th International Meeting of Society for Psychotherapy Research (SPR), Book of Abstracts. Barcelona, Spain, June 18-21, 2008, ULM: Ulmer Textbank, p. 193-194, ISBN/ISSN: 978-84-691-4139-7.
35. Fellin L., Ugazio V., Colciago F., & Pennacchio R., (2007). Is the triadic hermeneutics really extraneous to common sense?, In: “Beyond Oppositions: Individuals, Families, Communities” - 6th Congress of the European Family Therapy Association and 32nd Association for Family Therapy and Systemic Practice UK Conference - Programme and Book of Abstracts, p. 139. Glasgow, October 2007.
36. Fellin, L., Carter, J., McFarlane, T. & Blackmore, E. (2004). Effects of mirror exposure on body image. Poster presentation at Eating Disorders Research Society 10th Annual Meeting, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 7-9 October 2004.
37. Cuzzolaro, M., Fellin, L.C., Spissu, M., & Vetrone, G. (2003). Prevenzione dei disordini alimentari. In IX Congresso Nazionale su Obesità e magrezza. Siena, December 12-13 2003.
38. Lombardo, C., Violani, C., Tiberi, S., Lauria,V., Fellin, L.C., Vetrone,G. & Cuzzolaro, M. (2002). Validità discriminante di un questionario (DEQ) per lo screening dei disturbi alimentari. In VIII Congresso Nazionale su Obesità e magrezza. Siena, December 12-13 2002.
Other refereed non-published conference contributions
1. Ugazio, V., Singh, R. & Fellin, L. (2017). A Gulf of Misunderstanding? Semantic Cohesion in monocultural and intercultural couples. Workshop presented to the Association Family Therapy (AFT) Annual Conference, Dunblane, UK, 14-16 September 2017.
2. Alexander, J., Callaghan, J. and Fellin, L. (2015). Exploring intergenerational transmissions of domestic violence: embodied experience. Poster presented to: Psychology of Emotion & Feeling (PoEF15), The University of Northampton, 08 April 2015.
3. Callaghan, J., Alexander, J., Fellin, L., Papathanassiou, M., Mavrou, S., Sixsmith, J., Deliyanni-Kouimtzi, K., Symons, S. & Armstrong-Hallam, S. (2014). Understanding agency and resistance: children in situations of domestic abuse. Symposium presented to: Qualitative Research on Mental Health 5 (QRMH5), MAICh, Chania, Crete, Greece, 02-04 September 2014
4. Galbusera, L., & Fellin, L. (2014). A phenomenological exploration of helpful factors in body oriented psychotherapy for schizophrenia: Preliminary findings. Paper presented to the Qualitative Research in Mental Health Conference (QRMH5), August 2-4, 2014. Chania, Greece.
5. Galbusera, L., & Fellin, L. (2014). Dare voce a cio’ che non trova parole: l’importanza della dimensione implicita nella terapia alla schizofrenia”. Paper presented to the ISPS Italian Conference Rivisitare l’esperienza psicotica: Il corpomente e le sue relazioni, September 11-12, 2014. Bergamo, Italy
6. Galbusera, L., & Fellin, L. (2014). She was looking at a schizophrenic and saw the person behind the label: Patients’ perspectives on therapists’ attitudes”. Paper presented to the ISPS UK Conference From Diagnosis to Dialogue, September 17-18, 2014. Leicester, UK.
7. Callaghan, J., Fellin, L. & Sixsmith, J. (2014). Doing feminism: Working with children's histories of domestic abuse. Workshop presented to: the Psychology of Women Section (POWS) Conference, Windsor, UK, 9-11 July 2014.
8. Dann, C., Callaghan, J. & Fellin, L. (2014). The adorned feminine body: a qualitative exploration of media representations of tattooed women in the UK. Poster presented to: British Psychological Society Psychology of Women Section (POWS) Annual Conference 2014, Windsor, England, 09-11 July 2014.
9. Ward, L., Callaghan, J. & Fellin, L. (2014). Laugh it up or laugh it off: the use of humour within the fire service as a way of constructing, managing and coping with emotionality. Paper presented to: British Psychological Society Psychology of Women Section (POWS) Conference 2014, Windsor, 09-11 July 2014.
10. Fellin, L., Decio, V., Travellini, S. & Nava, G. (2014). Multiple family intervention within a CAMHS: a thematic analysis of changes, helpful and hindering events of users’ and professionals’ perspectives. Paper presented to: Children and Young People's Mental Health, The University of Northampton, 03-05 July 2014.
11. Fellin, L., & Goodgame, J., (2014). A tree under a double moon? Creative techniques in family work within adoption and fostering. Workshop presented to: Children and Young People's Mental Health, The University of Northampton, 03-05 July 2014.
12. Callaghan, J., Warner-Gale, F. & Fellin, L., (2014). Does Every Child Still Matter? The UK Policy context for CAMHS 1994-2014. Paper presented to: Children and Young People's Mental Health, The University of Northampton, 03-05 July 2014.
13. Callaghan, J., Alexander, J., Fellin, L. & Sixsmith, J. (2014). Children’s Experiences of Domestic Violence: Understanding Agency and Resistance. Paper presented in the symposium Children and Young People's Mental Health, The University of Northampton, 03-05 July 2014.
14. Callaghan, J., Alexander, J., Fellin, L. & Sixsmith, J. (2014). Imaging agency and resistance: Photos and drawings in work with children in situations of domestic abuse. Invited Presentation presented to: The British Psychological Society, Qualitative Methods in Psychology Section (QMiP): Multiple Transformations of Qualitative Data, De Montfort University, Leicester, 11 April 2014.
15. Galbusera, L., Fellin, L. & Sattel, H. (2014). Body-Oriented Psychotherapy for Persons with Schizophrenia: Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of Participants' Experience. Poster presented to: 4th Biennial Schizophrenia International Research Society (SIRS) Conference: Fostering Collaboration in Schizophrenia Research, Florence (Italy), 5-9th April 2014.
16. Callaghan, J., Nardulli, C., Fellin, L., Alexander, J., Sixsmith, J. & Sanelli, M. B. (2014). Understanding agency and resistance strategies: Psychological discourses of children in situations of domestic violence. Invited Presentation presented to: Garante Dei Diritti Dell’Infanzia e Dell’Adolescenza: Bari Workshop to present the Daphne Project UNARS, Excelsior Hotel, Bari, Italy, Puglia, 01 April 2014.
17. Callaghan, J., Alexander, J., Sixsmith, J. & Fellin, L. (2014). “Witness” to violence? Agency and resistance in children’s accounts of domestic abuse. Paper presented to: 8th Annual Keele Counselling Conference: Daring to Make an Impact: Dynamic Qualitative Research, Keele University, 22-23 March 2014.
18. Galbusera, L., Fellin, L. & Sattel, H. (2014). Towards the Recovery of a Sense of Self: an IPA Analysis on the Experience of Body-Oriented Psychotherapy for Persons with Schizophrenia. Poster presentation to: 1st European Conference on Systemic Research in Therapy, Education and Organizational Development: Linking systemic practice and research, Heidelberg (Germany), 4-6th March 2014.
19. Ugazio, V., & Fellin, L. (2013). Promoting Resilience in Families through Semantic Polarities. Workshop presented to The Association for Family Therapy & Systemic Practice (AFT) National Conference. Hope and resilience in hard times: Couples, families, therapists. Imperial College, London, UK, 19-21 September 2013.
20. Goodgame, J., & Fellin, L., (2013). Under a double moon? The relational context of adoption and fostering. Paper presented in the symposium “Research and Relationalities” at the Qualitative Methods in Psychology Section (QMiP) 'Making a difference, making ourselves known' Conference, University of Huddersfield, UK, 4 -6 September 2013.
21. Callaghan, J. & Fellin, L., (2013). De-constructing DSM 5: De-classifying childhood. Paper presented to: Children and Young People's Mental Health: Improving Outcomes, Widening Access and Tackling Stigma in an Age of Austerity, The University of Northampton, 03-05 July 2013.
22. Ugazio, V., & Fellin, L., (2013). Eating disorders during adolescence: When family therapy is not enough. Workshop presented to: Children and Young People's Mental Health: Improving Outcomes, Widening Access and Tackling Stigma in an Age of Austerity, The University of Northampton, 03-05 July 2013.
23. Galbusera, L., Sattel, H. & Fellin, L. (2012). Interactional synchrony in psychotherapy: embodied dynamics of participatory sense‐making. In 17th Herbstakademie - The implications of embodiment: enactive, clinical, social. Heidelberg (Germany), 1st –3rd October 2012.
24. Fellin L., (2012). Meaning making processes during couple therapy conversation. In 4th Qualitative Research on Mental Health Conference, University of Nottingham, Nottingham (UK) 3- 5th July 2012.
25. Fellin L., Emide, E., (2012). The Emotional-Interactive Loops In Narratives Of Women With Postnatal Depression. In 4th Qualitative Research on Mental Health Conference, University of Nottingham, Nottingham (UK) 3- 5th July 2012.
26. Pennacchio R., Ugazio V., Fellin L., (2011). Systemic hermeneutics: patients and therapists’ attributional and meaning making processes in conversation. In 1st International Conference on Dialogical Practices - In the Dialogical Moment: words, emotions, movements and silence, Helsinki, Finland 22-24 September 2011.
27. Fellin L., Ugazio V., (2011). Meaning making and psychopathology: The Semantics of phobic, obsessive, mood and eating disorders. In 1st International Conference on Dialogical Practices - In the Dialogical Moment: words, emotions, movements and silence, Helsinki, Finland 22-24 September 2011.
28. Ugazio V., Fellin L., (2009). Los caminos terapeuticos alternos (I Percorsi Terapeutici Alternati: una strategia di intervento per i disturbi alimentari e per le famiglie separate o ricomposte) in XXX Jornadas Españolas de Terapia Familiar y I Congreso Ibérico de Terapia Familiar Cambios Familiares: Nuevas Relaciones, Nuevas Jerarquías. Barcelona, 29- 31 October 2009.
29. Ugazio V., Fellin L., Negri A., (2009). Le semantiche dei disturbi fobici, ossessivi e alimentari – In Dieci anni dalla scomparsa di Vittorio Guidano: le intuizioni, i suggerimenti, i contributi del cognitivismo sistemico post-razionalista alla ricerca ed alla pratica clinica in psicoterapia. Roma, 14 settembre 2009.
Keynotes and Invited addresses:
“Semantiche Familiari e psicopatologie fra clinica, ricerca e letteratura”, 10-11 dicembre 2010: European Institute of Systemic-relational Therapies, Circolo Culturale Navigli, Milan, Italy.
“Type 1 Diabetes and Eating disorders”. Diabetes Association Conference 27 March 2012, Hotel Michelangelo, Milano, Italy.
Seminar “Therapeutic relation in medical practice and health care policies: psychological and legal perspectives” CCSE- University of Bergamo, 19 June 2012.
Workshop “Clinical cases in Eating Disorders”. In 22nd Giornate di Nutrizione Clinica e Patologie Correlate. 5 October 2012: Centre for Eating Disorders and obesity, Niguarda Hospital, Milan, Italy.
“Why do I behave like this? Telling another story changing causes and reasons (Perche' mi comporto cosi'? Raccontare un'altra storia cambiando cause e ragioni) Seminar with Lisa Fellin, Helga Hanks, Roberto Pennacchio, Peter Stratton & Valeria Ugazio. 23 March, 2013, European Institute of Systemic-relational Therapies, Milan, Italy.
Keynote speaker: “The role of family therapy in working with adoption”, Adoption UK Conference: Mental Health in the Teenage Years, 8 May 2014, University of Northampton, UK.
Keynote speaker: “Working systemically with adoption”, LMS Research Conference: 14th April 2015, University of Hertfordshire, UK.
Keynote speaker: “Parole fraintese”, Seminar Incanto e disillusione nella relazione di coppia with Valeria Ugazio, 12 November 2016: European Institute of Systemic-relational Therapies, Circolo Ambrosianum, Milan, Italy.
All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Strengthening Couple Relationships on the topic of ‘Why parental relationships are key to children: the green paper on Children and Young People’s Mental Health’. Houses of Parliament, London, UK, 21st March 2017.
Keynote speaker: ‘How to make research accessible’ at the 'Big Research Conversation' AFT event at the Tavistock Clinic, London, UK, 04 April 2017.
Keynote speaker: "La relación terapeútica y las polaridades semánticas". Curso Voces y Prácticas en Psicoterapia Sistémica Relacional hoy" Ciudad de México/ online seminar, 10/10/20.
“Eating disorders and the semantic of power”. Invited speaker al workshop European Institute of Systemic-relational Therapies, EIST 2020, online seminar, 10/12/20
“Anoressia/anoressie: la problematicità della diagnosi”. Invited speaker alla Giornata di Studio: IL FENOMENO ANORESSIA tra medioevo e modernità, Casa di Cura Palazzolo Bergamo, 10/12/21
La ricerca sulla psicosi: recenti sviluppi e interrogativi ancora aperti. Invited speaker al workshop: DALLA PSICOSI SI PUO’ GUARIRE- European Institute of Systemic-relational Therapies, EIST, Circolo Ambrosianum, Milan, Italy, 30/04/22
ANALISI SEMANTICA DI CLINICAL SINGLE CASE - COME CONDURLA? CON QUALI STRUMENTI ? E IN CHE COSA E’ UTILE? European Institute of Systemic-relational Therapies, EIST 2022 seminar, 27 e 28 maggio e 10 giugno 2022
Fostering freedom of expression in HE: beyond open and hidden censorship. Summer school 2022 “Global perspectives of public and private sector interaction”. University of Bergamo, 8 giugno 2022
Keynote speaker: Lens on Domestic Violence. Sligo Leitrim Children & Young People's Services Committee Sligo Leitrim Response to Children and Young People Launch and Awareness raising Event, 10th November 2022
Public Engagement (funded project). Eating Disorders prevention week- Settimana Lilla a Bergamo 8-15 March 2023 - various events and venues, University of Bergamo.
Invited speaker - Corso di Formazione ATS BG- Il Trattamento dei Disturbi della Nutrizione e dell’alimentazione, Casa di Cura Palazzolo Bergamo, 03/11/23.
Invited speaker - Corso: I percorsi alternati con le anoressie e bulimie adolescenziali e giovanili le semantiche guidano il cambiamento nelle diverse psicopatologie, European Institute of Systemic-relational Therapies, EIST, 2-3-10 Febbraio 2024, Centro Congressi Fast, Milano.
Invited speaker - Convegno: “Pratiche partecipative nella rete per la Riabilitazione dei Disturbi della Nutrizione e Alimentazione: Famiglia, Scuola e Territorio”, 16/03/2024, Teatro Casa di Cura Palazzolo (Bergamo).
Responsabile scientifica convegni:
Complessità nascoste: Il ruolo del segreto nel sistema familiare- prof. C. Loriedo, Milano, 17.12.2022
Il genogramma nella pratica sistemica Milano il 25.03.2023 - prof.ssa M. Borcsa, 25.03.2023
La disabilità entra nella famiglia: Come riuscire ad evolvere? E con quali risorse? Bergamo, 19-20.05.2023
Other publications
Book reviews
Fellin, L., (2006). “Taking Positions in the Organization” by David Campbell, Marianne Groenbaek, review published in "Connessioni",18.
Official reports
AA.VV. Centro di Studio e Ricerca sull’Obesità (2004). Obesità, sindrome plurimetabolica e rischio cardiovascolare: consensus sull’inquadramento diagnostico- terapeutico. Raccomandazioni per la prevenzione e la terapia dell’eccesso di peso e delle patologie ad esso associate. Università degli Studi di Milano, Ospedale L. Sacco, Milano. Milano: Think Tank.
Departmental working papers and University series:
1. Negri A., Fellin L., & Zanaboni E., (2007). Il dilemma fobico: un problema di positioning all’interno della semantica della libertà? In Quaderni del dottorato in Psicologia Clinica 1, 63-81, Bergamo University Press, ISBN/ISSN 978-88-95184-53-1.
2. Ugazio V., Negri A., Zanaboni E., & Fellin L., (2007). Libertà, bontà, potere e appartenenza. Griglia delle Semantiche Familiari (GSF). Manuale per l’analisi semantica della conversazione diadica cliente-terapeuta, In Quaderni del dottorato in Psicologia Clinica 1, 137-242, Bergamo University Press, ISBN/ISSN 978-88-95184-53-1.
3. Ugazio V., Negri A., Zanaboni E., & Fellin L. (2007). La conversazione con i soggetti fobici è dominata dalla semantica della libertà? In Quaderni del dottorato in Psicologia Clinica 1, 103-133, Bergamo University Press, ISBN/ISSN 978-88-95184-53-1.
4. Ugazio V., Fellin L., Colciago F., Pennacchio R., & Negri A., (2007) 1 to 3: from the monad to the triad. A unitizing and coding manual for the fields of inference of causal explanations, In Quaderni del dottorato in Psicologia Clinica, Vol.1, 243-275, Bergamo University Press, ISBN/ISSN 978-88-95184-53-1.
5. Ugazio V., Fellin L., Colciago F., Pennacchio R., & Negri A., (2007). L’ermeneutica triadica sistemica è davvero estranea al senso comune? In Quaderni del dottorato in Psicologia Clinica, Vol.1, 83-102, Bergamo University Press, ISBN/ISSN 978-88-95184-53-1.
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Scopus Author ID: 37064395100
Web of Science ResearcherID: GSE-1661-2022
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Socia Ordinaria Didatta della Società Italiana di Psicologia e Psicoterapia Relazionale (S.I.P.P.R.) e dell’ Associazione Italiana di Psicologia (AIP)
Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy (FHEA)
Esperienza professionale
Dal 1/11/2020 -
Professoressa associata in Psicologia clinica del Dipartimento di Scienze Umane e Sociali dell’Università degli Studi di Bergamo.
Dal 2023- Honorary Associate Professor, University of Stirling (Scotland, UK).
Da novembre 2015- ottobre 2020
Senior Lecturer in Psychology
Research Director - Professional Doctorate in Counselling Psychology
University of East London, UK
2015-2016: Coordinatrice del corso di Family & Systemic Therapies del Master in Clinical
& Community Psychology
Supervisore ed esaminatore di tesi di dottorato (PhD e Professional Doctorate)
Da ottobre 2014- ottobre 2015
Senior Lecturer in Psychology and Counselling
School of Social Sciences, The University of Northampton, UK
Dal 1 dicembre 2008 – agosto 2015
Ricercatrice universitaria di ruolo per il settore scientifico disciplinare M-PSI/08 – Psicologia clinica, Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione, Università degli Studi di Bergamo, P.le S. Agostino, 2 - 24129 Bergamo.
Dal 16/09/2009- agosto 2015
Professoressa aggregata del Dipartimento di Scienze della Persona dell’Università degli Studi di Bergamo.
Dall’ 1/12/2009- agosto 2015
Membro del Collegio didattico del Dottorato in Psicologia clinica dell’Università degli Studi di Bergamo.
Dal 23/12/2009-2013 Membro designato dalla Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione della Commissione Rapporti Internazionali di Ateneo dell’Università degli Studi di Bergamo per il quadriennio accademico 2009/2013.
Progetti di ricerca finanziati:
In corso:
-2023- progetto PRIN 2022: Aesthetics and Creativity to support the vaLidation of an e-health rehabIlitation protoCol for neurological patients (CLICk), P.I. Katiuscia Sacco (€ 231.162)
-2019- 2023: Co-investigator and Workpackage leader for the ESRC Grant- Developing the evidence base for innovation in social care for children and families affected by domestic abuse (CAFADA) – (Total value £2.000.000 Project Lead, Stirling: Jane Callaghan).
-2016-2019- Big Lottery funding The SHE Project - 'Safe, Healthy and Empowered': A systemic programme for families affected by domestic violence. (Total value £650.000). PI, Northampton: Jane Callaghan. Role: co-investigator, consultant and clinical supervisor
-2016-2019- East Midlands CYP IAPT Collaborative- Increasing Access to Psychological Therapies (NHS England). (Total value £1.8 million, University of Northampton portion £550000 per annum). Project Lead, Northampton: Jane Callaghan.
- Semantic cohesion in mono-cultural and intercultural couples. Project Leads: Valeria Ugazio & Reenee Singh.
- 2013-2016: Academy of Finland Research Programme on the Human Mind: “Relational mind in multiactor therapeutic dialogues” (€ 834.236 fund). PI: prof. Jaakko Seikkula.
- 2013-2015 Understanding Agency and Resistance Strategies: Children in Situations of Domestic Abuse (UNARS). European Commission's DAPHNE III funding. (€ 380.000) P.I. Dr J. Callaghan.
- 2013-2014: Midlands Strategic Health Authority to evaluate the Midlands and East Mental Health and Wellbeing Project, (fund £81.000). P.I. Dr J. Callaghan.
Attività Didattica pregressa
Università degli Studi di Bergamo – Dipartimento di Scienze Umane e Sociali:
A.A. 2014-15: Clinical Psychology - MSc in Clinical psychology for individuals, families and organizations.
A.A. 2011-12: Titolare dell’insegnamento (5 CFU, 30h) “Psicologia Clinica (corso avanzato)” e dell’insegnamento (5 + 5 CFU, 60h) di “Tecniche del colloquio clinico con l'individuo, la famiglia e i gruppi” del Corso di Laurea magistrale in Psicologia Clinica. Tutor per “Research in Clinical Psychology” - MSc in Clinical psychology for individuals, families and organizations.
A.A. 2010-11: Titolare dell’insegnamento di “Tecniche del colloquio clinico con l'individuo, la famiglia e i gruppi” (laboratorio) del Corso di Laurea magistrale in Psicologia Clinica.
A.A. 2009-2010: Titolare dell’insegnamento di “Psicopatologia II” (laboratorio) del Corso di Laurea magistrale in Psicologia Clinica.
A.A. 2008-2009: Titolare dell’insegnamento di “Teoria e tecnica del colloquio con la coppia e la famiglia” (laboratorio) del Corso di Laurea Specialistica in Psicologia Clinica.
Dall’A.A. 2004-05: Attività di docenza universitaria in vari corsi del settore Psicologia Clinica.
Attività Didattica extra-accademica:
A.A. 2023/24- Docenza al Master in Personal Construct Psychology and Counselling, University of Padua.
2017- Supervisore di tesi di ricerca- MSc in Family and Systemic Psychotherapy – Institute of Family Therapy (IFT), London, UK.
24 ottobre – 30 novembre 2011: Visiting Lecturer (Teaching Staff Mobility Program 2011/2012) presso il Department of Psychology della University of Surrey (Guildford, UK).
14-15 Febbraio 2011: presso l’University of Jyväskylä (Finland) nell’ambito del I European Family Therapy research group (EFTR) meeting.
21-25 Febbraio 2011: presso l’A.O. Ospedale Niguarda Ca' Granda di Milano nell’ambito del Corso di Alta Specializzazione in Nutrizione clinica: obesità, sindrome metabolica, binge eating disorders: Corso di Alta Specializzazione in Nutrizione Clinica.
10 e 11 dicembre 2010: presso l’European Institute of Systemic-relational Therapies (E.I.S.T.) di Milano nell’ambito del seminario Semantiche Familiari e psicopatologie fra clinica, ricerca e letteratura, Circolo Culturale Navigli, Milano.
Responsabilità, affiliazioni ed incarichi di carattere scientifico:
Dal 2022: Vice Direttrice del CISAlpino Institute for Comparative Studies in Europe (CCSE), Centro di Ricerca di studi comparati, con sede presso l’Università degli Studi di Bergamo.
Dal 2016: Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA), UK
Dal 2012: Membro del Direttivo della Fondazione FOBAN – Fondazione Obesità Bulimia Anoressia e Nutrizione.
Membro della Society for Psychotherapy Research (SPR).
2011-2013: Membro del Gruppo di lavoro “Progetto Università” - Ordine degli Psicologi della Lombardia (OPL), comprendente un rappresentante per ogni Corso di Laurea in Psicologia degli Atenei lombardi.
Istruzione e formazione Dal marzo 2011: Membro del European Family Therapy Research Group (EFTRG) costituito insieme ai proff.: E. Avdi (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece) M. Borcsa (University of Applied Sciences Nordhausen/Germany), P. Rober (University of Leuven, Belgium) J. Salgado (ISMAI, Portugal), J. Seikkula & J. Wahlström (University of Jyvaskyla, Finland), V. Ugazio (Università degli Studi di Bergamo).
Attivita’ di revisore scientifico
2023 Expert European Commission
2022 Agency for Health Quality and Assessment of Catalonia, Spain - Marató of TV3 review process- Agència de Qualitat i Avaluació Sanitàries de Catalunya (AQuAS)
Departament de Salut- Generalitat de Catalunya
Attivita’ editoriale
Associate Editor:
- Journal of Family Therapy
- Developmental Child Welfare
- Frontiers in Psychology - Psychology for Clinical Settings
Editorial Board: - Contemporary Family Therapy
- Eating and Weight Disorders: Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity
- Human Systems: The Journal of Therapy, Consultation and Training (Ad hoc reviewer)
- Feminism & Psychology: (Ad hoc reviewer)
- Journal of Gender Studies: (Ad hoc reviewer)
- Journal of Health Psychology: (Ad hoc reviewer)
- Children & Society
- Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy: (Ad hoc reviewer)
- Psychology of Violence: (Ad hoc reviewer)
- TPM -Testing, Psychometrics, Methodology In Applied Psychology (Ad hoc reviewer)
- In Mind– Italian chapter (Past Co-Editor): online peer-review Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology
Guest Editor for Special Issues (2022/23):
Frontiers in Psychology - Psychology for Clinical Settings:
- “Systemic Explanations of Psychological Symptoms and Distress in Clinical and Research Practice”
- “Climate Change Challenge in Psychology for Clinical Settings”
Guest Editor for Special Issues (2023/24):
- “Gender Bias in Diagnosis and Treatment for Women” -Frontiers in Psychology - Psychology for Clinical Settings
- "Children and Young People’s Mental Health in a “Post-pandemic” Age" - Frontiers in Psychology- Developmental Psychology
- "Domestic Violence during and after the Lockdown: the Shadow Pandemic"- Behavioral Sciences:
Attività Clinica
2004 – 2009 Attività libero-professionale come psicologa clinica presso il Centro Noesis e tirocinio professionale (180h annue) come psicoterapeuta in formazione presso l’Istituto Auxologico Italiano, Milano (tutor: prof. E. Molinari).
2005 – 2007 Osservazione, in qualità di dottoranda di ricerca, dietro lo specchio unidirezionale di psicoterapie sistemico-relazionale individuali, di coppia e familiari condotte dalla Prof.ssa Valeria Ugazio presso l’E.I.S.T. di Milano.
2003 – 2004 Dipartimento di Psichiatria, University of Toronto (Canada): Tirocinio post-lauream presso l’Inpatient Eating Disorders Program, Toronto General Hospital, diretto dal prof. B. Woodside: attività clinica e psicodiagnostica con pazienti ricoverati, e attività di ricerca scientifica in ambito clinico.
2002 – 2003 Dipartimento di Scienze Neurologiche e Psichiatriche dell’Età Evolutiva, Università “La Sapienza”, Roma: Attività di raccolta dati e collaborazione alle attività di ricerca scientifica presso l’ambulatorio per i disturbi alimentari e l’obesità diretto dal prof. Massimo Cuzzolaro.
2000 – 2002 Centro per la Cura dei Disturbi del Comportamento Alimentare e dell’Obesità, Az. Osped. Niguarda Cà Granda di Milano: Osservazione dell’attività e affiancamento degli psicoterapeuti del servizio.
Settembre 2016- aprile 2019
EMDR level I-III training
Richman EMDR Training, London, UK - approved by the EMDR International Association and EMDR-Europe Association.
Novembre 2005- Novembre 2009
Diploma di Scuola Quadriennale di Specializzazione in Psicoterapia sistemico-relazionale individuale, di coppia e familiare (110/110 con lode).
EIST (European Institute of Systemic-relational Therapies) riconosciuto dal MIUR, con sede a Milano.
1.01.2005 -15.02.2008
Dottore di Ricerca in Psicologia Clinica
Università degli Studi di Bergamo
Ottobre 1998- 17/07/2003
Laurea in Psicologia con una tesi sperimentale dal titolo: “Obesità e disturbi alimentari: un approccio psicometrico”, condotta sugli indicatori di psicopatologia generale e di disturbo dell’immagine del corpo in 730 pazienti ambulatoriali (110/110). Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca.
Data Bergamo, 3/04/2024
Elenco delle pubblicazioni scientifiche- Lisa Chiara Fellin
Refereed articles in Academic Journals:
1. McAllister, L., Callaghan, J. & Fellin, L.C. (accepted). The phenomenology of humour in firefighters’ embodied practices: Turning down the heat?" Feminism & Psychology
2. Callaghan, J., Fellin, L.C., Sixsmith, J., Mavrou, S., Alexander, J. Papathanasiou, M. & Deligianni-Kouimtzi, V. (accepted). Managing masculinity when growing up with a violent father: A qualitative study of boys’ experiences. Violence Against Women
3. Lo Bianco, F., Fellin, L.C., & Gandino, G. (2024). “Partorirai con dolore, sola e con mascherina”: Un’analisi tematica dell’esperienza delle partorienti durante la pandemia da Covid-19 in Italia. Psicologia clinica dello sviluppo, 1-27. DOI: 10.1449/112821
4. Fellin L.C., Zizevskaia, E., & Galbusera, L. (2024). Is the mainstream construction of mood disorders resistant to systemic thinking? Frontiers in Psychiatry. 14:1270027. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1270027
5. Callaghan, J., Fellin, L.C., Mavrou, S., Alexander, J., Deligianni-Kouimtzi, V., Papathanasiou, M. & Sixsmith, J., (2023). Part of the Family: Children’s experiences with their companion animals in the context of domestic violence and abuse, Journal of Family Violence.
6. Alphonsus, E., Fellin L.C., Thoma, S., & Galbusera, L. (2023). “They have taken out my spin cord”: an interpretative phenomenological analysis of self-boundary in psychosis within a sociocentric culture. Frontiers in Psychiatry- Psychopathology.
7. Cadenhead, R.A. & Fellin L.C. (2023). Cultural reflexivity and the referral problem: A discourse analysis of three initial sessions of intercultural couple therapy. Journal of Family Therapy.
8. Ugazio V., & Fellin, L.C. (2022). Le dinamiche di potere nella terapia con anoressiche e bulimiche: da vincolo a risorsa? Terapia Familiare, 128, 31-54. 10.3280/TF2022-128003
9. Thoma, S., Konrad, M., Fellin L.C., & Galbusera, L. (2022). Paving the way for systemic phenomenological psychiatry - the forgotten heritage of Wolfgang Blankenburg, Frontiers in Psychiatry- Psychopathology. 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.909488
10. Alexander, J., Callaghan, J. & Fellin, L. (2022). Genograms in research: participants’ reflections of the genogram process. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 1-21. 10.1080/14780887.2018.1545066.
11. Ugazio V., Pennacchio R., Fellin L., Guarnieri, S. & Anselmi. P. (2020). Explaining symptoms in systemic therapy. Does triadic thinking come into play? Frontiers in Psychology-Psychology for Clinical Settings
12. Smith, L., Callaghan, J.E.M, & Fellin, L. (2020). “Why do we do it?!” A study investigating experiences and understanding of motivations of Samaritan volunteers. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling.
13. Fellin, L.C., Callaghan, J. E., Alexander, J. H., Mavrou, S. & Harrison‐Breed, C. (2019). Child's Play? Children and Young People's Resistances to Domestic Violence and Abuse. Children and Society, 33: 126-141. doi:10.1111/chso.12302
14. Fellin, L.C., Callaghan, J.E., Alexander, J.H., Harrison-Breed, C., Mavrou, S., & Papathanasiou, M. (2019). Empowering young people who experienced domestic violence and abuse: The development of a group therapy intervention. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 24(1), 170–189.
15. Callaghan, J.E.M., Fellin, L.C. & Alexander, J.H. (2019). Promoting Resilience and Agency in Children and Young People Who Have Experienced Domestic Violence and Abuse: the “MPOWER” Intervention. Journal of Family Violence.
16. Childs-Fegredo, J. & Fellin, L. (2018). 'Everyone should do it': client experience of receiving adapted Dialectical Behaviour Therapy - an interpretative phenomenological analysis. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 18(3), 319-331. (10.1002/capr.12178).
17. McAllister, L., Callaghan, J. & Fellin, L. (2019). Masculinities and emotional expression in UK Servicemen: “Big boys don’t cry”? Journal of Gender Studies, 28:3, 257-270.
18. Galbusera, L., Fellin, L.C., & Fuchs, T. (2019). Toward the recovery of a sense of self: An interpretative phenomenological analysis of patients' experience of body-oriented psychotherapy for schizophrenia. Psychotherapy Research.
19. Callaghan, J., Fellin, L.C., Mavrou, S., Alexander, J. & Sixsmith, J. (2017). The Management of Disclosure in Children’s Accounts of Domestic Violence: Practices of Telling and Not Telling. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 26: 3370
20. Callaghan, J.E.M., Fellin, L.C., Alexander, J.H., Mavrou, S., & Papathanaasiou, M. (2017). Children and Domestic Violence: Emotional Competencies in Embodied and Relational Contexts. Psychology of Violence
21. Callaghan, J., Fellin, L. C. & Warner-Gale, F. (2017). A critical analysis of Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services policy in England. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 22, 1(1), 109-127. DOI:
22. Callaghan, J.E.M., Alexander, J.H., & Fellin, L.C. (2016). Children’s embodied experience of living with domestic violence: ‘‘I’d go into my panic, and shake, really bad’’, Subjectivity, 9, 399–419. doi:10.1057/s41286-016-0011-9;
23. Dann, C., Callaghan, J.E.M, & Fellin, L. (2016). Tattooed female bodies: Considerations from the literature. Psychology of Women Section Review, 18(1).
24. Callaghan, J.E.M., Alexander, J.H., Fellin, L.C., & Sixsmith, J. (2016). Children’s experiences of domestic violence and abuse: siblings’ accounts of relational coping. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry. doi:10.1177/1359104515620250
25. Callaghan, J. E. M., Alexander, J. H., Sixsmith, J. & Fellin, L. C. (2018). Beyond “witnessing”: Children’s Experiences of Coercive Control in Domestic Violence and Abuse. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. doi: 10.1177/0886260515618946
26. Callaghan, J., Gambo, Y., & Fellin, L., (2015). Hearing the Silences: Adult Nigerian Women’s Accounts of Early Marriages. Feminism & Psychology, 25(4), 506-527. doi:10.1177/0959353515590691
27. Ugazio V., Negri A., & Fellin L., (2015). Freedom, Goodness, Power and Belonging: The Semantics of Phobic, Obsessive- compulsive, Eating, and Mood Disorders. Journal of Constructivist Psychology, 28(4), 293-315, doi:10.1080/10720537.2014.951109
28. Galbusera, L., & Fellin, L. (2014). The intersubjective endeavour of psychopathology research: methodological reflections on a second person perspective approach. Frontiers in Psychology, 5(1150). doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.01150
29. Ugazio V., Fellin L., Pennacchio R., Negri A, & Colciago F. (2012). Is systemic thinking really extraneous to common sense? Journal of Family Therapy, 34(1), 53–71. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-6427.2011.00538.x.
30. Ugazio V., Fellin L., Pennacchio R., Negri A, & Colciago F. (2010). L’ermeneutica triadica sistemica è davvero estranea al senso comune? Terapia Familiare, 92, 31-54.
31. Ugazio V., Negri A., Fellin L., & Di Pasquale, R. (2009). The Family Semantics Grid (FSG) - The narrated polarities. A Manual for the Semantic Analysis of Therapeutic Conversations and Self Narratives. TPM. Testing, Psychometrics, Methodology In Applied Psychology, 16(4), 165-192. ISSN: 1972-6325.
32. Ugazio V., Fellin L., Colciago F., Pennacchio R., & Negri A., (2008). 1 to 3: from the monad to the triad. A unitizing and coding manual for the fields of inference of causal explanations. TPM. Testing, Psychometrics, Methodology In Applied Psychology, 15(4), 171-192. ISSN: 1972-6325.
33. Lombardo, C.,Violani, C., Tiberi, S., Devoto, A., Fellin, L., Vetrone, G., & Cuzzolaro, M. (2003). Validità di un questionario per la valutazione dei comportamenti alimentari disturbati (DEQ). Psichiatria dell’infanzia e dell’adolescenza, 70, 477-490.
Chapters in edited books:
1. Ugazio, V., & Fellin, L.C. (2024). I percorsi terapeutici alternati: un protocollo flessibile per affrontare anoressia e bulimia adolescenziali. In M. Mariotti, Saba, G., Sluski, C. e C. Loriedo (Ed.), Evidenze e creatività in psicoterapia sistemica e relazionale. Franco Angeli.
2. Ugazio V., & Fellin L.C. (2023). ¿Cómo afrontar los dilemas de la psicoterapia con mujeres jóvenes anoréxicas y bulímicas? Una propuesta. In G. Resendiz (Ed.), Psicoterapia Sistémico Relacional. Voces y prácticas contemporaneas hoy. Gedisa Ed.
3. Callaghan, J., Fellin, L.C. & Alexander, J. (2017). Children’s experiences of domestic violence: a teaching and training challenge. In: Newnes, C. and Golding, L. (eds.) Teaching Critical Psychology: International Perspectives. UK: Routledge pp. 219-237.
4. Callaghan, J.E.M., Fellin, L. & Alexander, J. (2017). Beyond Vulnerability: Working with children who have experienced domestic violence. In C. Brownlow, L. O’Dell and H. Bertilsdotter-Rosqvist (Eds). Different Childhoods. London: Routledge.
5. Gentile, M.G. & Fellin, L., (2017). Anorexia. In Hickson, M and Smith, S (Eds). Advanced Nutrition and Dietetics in Nutrition Support. Chichester: Wiley.
6. Ugazio, V., & Fellin, L., (2016). Family Semantic Polarities and Positionings. A semantic analysis. In Borcsa, M. & Rober, P. (Eds.). Research Perspectives in Couple Therapy: Discursive qualitative methods. Springer International Publishing. 10.1007/978-3-319-23306-2
7. Alexander, J., Callaghan, J., Sixsmith, J. & Fellin, L. (2016). Children’s corporeal agency and use of space in situations of domestic violence. In: Horton, J., Evans, B. and Skelton, T. (eds.) Play, Recreation, Health and Well Being; Vol. 9 of Skelton, T. (ed.) Geographies of Children and Young People. Singapore: Springer. pp. 1-21.
8. Callaghan, J., Fellin, L., & Alexander, J., (2016). Looked After Children: Mental Health and Use of Space. In Horton, J and Evans, B. (eds). Play, Recreation, Health and Well Being, Vol. 9 of Skelton, T. (ed.) Geographies of Children and Young People. Springer Singapore.
9. Fellin, L. (2013). Polarità semantiche familiari. (Family Semantic Polarities). In G. Nardone & A. Salvini (Eds.), Dizionario Internazionale di Psicoterapia, (pp. 448-451). Milano: Garzanti, ISBN 978881174093-3.
10. Fellin, L., & Pandolfi, M. (2011). Vincenti o perdenti? Studio preliminare di applicabilità dello IAT come misura implicita delle polarità semantiche prevalenti nei disturbi alimentari. (Winner or losers? A preliminary study of applicability of IAT to gauge Family Semantic Polarities in Eating disorders). In Quaderni di psicologia clinica 2 (pp.41-67). Bergamo: Sestante. ISBN: 978-88-6642-033-0.
11. Fellin, L., & Pennacchio, R. (2011). Ermeneutica sistemica e intenzionalità nella conversazione terapeutica. (Systemic hermeneutics and intentionality in therapeutic conversation). In Quaderni di psicologia clinica 2 (pp. 131-158). Bergamo: Sestante. ISBN: 978-88-6642-033-0.
12. Ugazio, V., Negri, A., & Fellin, L. (2011). Significato e psicopatologia. La semantica dei disturbi fobici, ossessivi, alimentari e depressivi. (Meaning and Psychopathology). In Quaderni di psicologia clinica 2 (pp.69-100). Bergamo: Sestante. ISBN: 978-88-6642-033-0.
13. Ugazio, V., Negri, A., Fellin, L., & Di Pasquale, R. (2011). La griglia delle Semantiche Familiari (GSF). Le Polarità Narrate. Manuale per l’analisi semantica di conversazioni terapeutiche e self-narratives. In P. Chianura, L. Chianura, E. Fuxa, S. Mazzoni (Eds.) Manuale clinico di terapia familiare. Volume III. Metodi e strumenti per la valutazione dei processi relazionali (pp. 75-111). Milano: F.Angeli. ISBN: 9788856836592.
14. Fellin, L., & Negri, A., (2010a). Disturbi alimentari: una prospettiva relazionale. (Eating disorders: A relational perspective) In Gentile, M.G. (Ed.), I disturbi del comportamento alimentare: curare il corpo, curare la mente (pp.121-141). Parma: Mattioli. ISBN: 978-88-6261-146-6.
15. Fellin, L., & Negri, A., (2010b). I disturbi alimentari: la sfida psicoterapeutica. (Eating disorders: A psychotherapeutic challenge). In Gentile, M.G. (Ed.), I disturbi del comportamento alimentare: curare il corpo, curare la mente (pp.143-160). Parma: Mattioli. ISBN: 978-88-6261-146-6.
16. Fellin, L., & Negri, A., (2010c). Verso il DSM-5. (Towards DSM-5). In Gentile, M.G. (Ed.), I disturbi del comportamento alimentare: curare il corpo, curare la mente (pp.161-177). Parma: Mattioli, 2010. ISBN: 978-88-6261-146-6.
17. Negri, A., & Fellin, L., (2010). Test e strumenti per l’assessment dei disturbi alimentari (Tests and tools for Eating disorders assessment). In Gentile, M.G. (Ed.), I disturbi del comportamento alimentare: curare il corpo, curare la mente. (pp. 179-194) Parma: Mattioli.
18. Cuzzolaro, M., Vetrone, G., Fellin, L.C., & Spissu, M. (2004). Prevenzione dei disturbi dell’alimentazione. In Gentile, M.G. (Ed.) Aggiornamenti in Nutrizione Clinica, Vol.12. Roma: Il Pensiero Scientifico, 21-33. ISBN: 978-88-490-0103-7.
19. Cuzzolaro, M., Vetrone, G., Scardigli, M.I., & Fellin, L. (2003). Il disagio psico-sociale dei soggetti obesi. In Gentile, M.G. (Ed.) Aggiornamenti in Nutrizione Clinica, Vol. 11. Roma: Il Pensiero Scientifico, 19-28. ISBN: 978-88-490-0080-1.
Refereed and published conference proceedings
1. Fellin, L.C. & Guarnieri, S. Like two shipwrecked drifting away: a case study of a therapeutic strategy with a low semantic cohesion couple – Paper presented in the Symposium: New perspectives on influences of families of origin on couple construction and their therapeutic use.11th Conference of the European Family Therapy Association EFTA, 8 September 2022, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
2. Fellin L., (2016). Deconstructing dominant narratives in adoption and foster care? An example of therapeutic conversations and visual relational maps. Paper presented in the symposium: Connections Across the Generations: Trauma & Corrective Scripts in Families (Convenors: Arlene Vetere & Rudi Dallos). II International Congress of Clinical and Health Psychology on Children and Adolescents, Barcelona, Spain, 17-19 November 2016.
3. Ugazio V., & Fellin L., (2016). Family semantic polarities as a guideline for therapy. In: “Origins and Originality in Family Therapy and Systemic Practice”. Final programme 9th Congress of European family Therapy Association – EFTA, Athens, Greece, September 28-October 1, 2016, p.47.
4. Fellin, L., Callaghan, J.E.M., Banda, E. & Ankofuah Mintah-Afful, N. (2016). ‘They look for a big psychological name to give it and then your child will be tagged’: A thematic analysis Black African/British parents’ perceptions of barriers to seeking counselling for their children in the UK. III Children and Adolescent Mental Health (CAMH) conference, The University of Northampton, UK, 06-08 July 2016.
5. Fellin, L., Harper, P. & Payne, V. (2016). The development and piloting of the Keys to Happier Living Toolkit for Primary Schools. III Children and Adolescent Mental Health (CAMH) conference, The University of Northampton, UK, 06-08 July 2016.
6. Fellin, L. (2016). Convener of the symposium: Steps beyond broken attachments in systemic work with adoption & foster care. III Children and Adolescent Mental Health (CAMH) conference, The University of Northampton, UK, 06-08 July 2016.
7. Fellin, L. (2016). The Scarlet Letter: Attachment as a dominant narrative in adoption and foster care? A thematic analysis of therapeutic narratives and visual relational maps. Paper presented in the symposium: Steps beyond broken attachments in systemic work with adoption & foster care. III Children and Adolescent Mental Health (CAMH) conference, The University of Northampton, UK, 06-08 July 2016.
8. Fellin, L. & Salamino, F. (2016). “Who is to blame?” Causal attributions in adoptive and foster families: a content and discourse analysis. Paper presented in the symposium: Steps beyond broken attachments in systemic work with adoption & foster care. III Children and Adolescent Mental Health (CAMH) conference, The University of Northampton, UK, 06-08 July 2016.
9. Fellin, L. (2016). Convener of the symposium: Disrupted attachments, disrupted families? Systemic pathways for change in adoption and foster care, presented to: Qualitative Research on Mental Health 6 (QRMH6), MAICh, Chania, Crete, Greece, 25-27 May 2016, pp.50-52.
10. Fellin, L. (2016). The Scarlet Letter: Attachment as a dominant narrative in adoption and foster care? A thematic analysis of therapeutic narratives and visual relational maps. Paper presented in the symposium: Disrupted attachments, disrupted families? Systemic pathways for change in adoption and foster care. Qualitative Research on Mental Health 6 (QRMH6), MAICh, Chania, Crete, Greece, 25-27 May 2016, pp.50-52.
11. Fellin, L. & Salamino, F. (2016). “Who is to blame?” Causal attributions in adoptive and foster families: a content and discourse analysis. Paper presented in the symposium: Disrupted attachments, disrupted families? Systemic pathways for change in adoption and foster care. Qualitative Research on Mental Health 6 (QRMH6), MAICh, Chania, Crete, Greece, 25-27 May 2016, pp.50-52.
12. Fellin, L., Callaghan, J.E.M., Banda, E. & Ankofuah Mintah-Afful, N. (2016). Black African/British parents’ perceptions of barriers to seeking counselling for their children in the UK: a qualitative investigation. Paper presented at the 22nd Annual BACP/SPR Research Conference ‘Research matters: evidence for an evolving profession’, Brighton, UK, 20- 21 May 2016, p.40.
13. Fellin, L., & Goodgame, J. (2016). Creative techniques in research and therapy with adoptive and foster families. Workshop presented at the 22nd Annual BACP/SPR Research Conference ‘Research matters: evidence for an evolving profession’ Brighton, UK, 20- 21 May 2016, p.87.
14. Callaghan, J., Alexander, J., Fellin, L. & Sixsmith, J. (2015). Fathers as objects, fathers as subjects: domestic violence, childhood and masculinities. Paper presented to: British Psychological Society Psychology of Women Section (POWS) Annual Conference 2015, Windsor, 08-10 July 2015.
15. Callaghan, J., Alexander, J., Fellin, L., Sixsmith, J. & Mavrou, S. (2015). Understanding agency and resistance strategies: children's experiences of domestic violence and abuse. Symposium presented to: European Conference on Domestic Violence (ECDV), Queen's University Belfast, 06-09 September 2015.
16. Callaghan, J., Alexander, J., Fellin, L. & Sixsmith, J. (2015). Children’s experiences of domestic violence and abuse: agency, resistance, resilience. Symposium presented to: Violence: Children, Family & Society Conference 2015, The University of Northampton, 24-26 June 2015.
17. Ugazio V., Negri A., & Fellin L., (2014). Family semantic polarities and therapeutic relationship in phobic, obsessive-compulsive, eating and mood disorders Narrated semantic polarities in the therapeutic conversation with phobic, eating, obsessive-compulsive and mood disorders. In 45th International Meeting of Society for Psychotherapy Research (SPR), Book of Abstracts – June 25-28 2014 Copenhagen, Denmark, p. 162-163.
18. Fellin L., Ugazio V., & Guarnieri, S. (2014). Semantic polarities in a couple therapy conversation Panel Qualitative Research in Systemic Therapy Practice - The Couple Therapy of Victoria &Alfonso In 45th International Meeting of Society for Psychotherapy Research (SPR), Book of Abstracts – June 25-28 2014 Copenhagen, Denmark, pp 98-100.
19. Fellin L., (2013). Convener of the symposium: Seven authors in search of a couple: A multiple reading of the same therapy. In: “Opportunities in a Time of Crisis: The Role of the Family”. Final programme and Abstracts Book of 8th Congress of European family Therapy Association – EFTA, Istanbul, Turkey, October 24-27, 2013, p.97.
20. Ugazio V., Fellin L., & Castelli D. (2013). Family semantic polarities and positionings in different psychopathologies. In: “Opportunities in a Time of Crisis: The Role of the Family”. Final programme and Abstracts Book of 8th Congress of European family Therapy Association – EFTA, Istanbul, Turkey, October 24-27, 2013, p.56.
21. Fellin L., & Emide, E., (2012). Beyond the sole mother: The emotional-relational context of postnatal depression. In Book of Abstracts of 3rd Joint Meeting of Society for Psychotherapy Research (SPR) of European and UK Chapters in Porto, Portugal – October 11-13, 2012, Portugal: CLM, p.22.
22. Colangelo L., & Fellin L., (2012). Helpful factors: A follow-up interview study on patients and therapist’s perspective on change process. In Book of Abstracts of 3rd Joint Meeting of Society for Psychotherapy Research (SPR) of European and UK Chapters in Porto, Portugal – October 11-13, 2012, Portugal: CLM, p.22.
23. Ugazio V., Negri A., & Fellin L., (2012). A systemic-constructionist approach to psychopathology: The Semantics of Phobic, Obsessive, Eating and Mood Disorders. In Book of Abstracts of 3rd Joint Meeting of Society for Psychotherapy Research (SPR) of European and UK Chapters in Porto, Portugal – October 11-13, 2012, Portugal: CLM, p.16.
24. Fellin L., & Emide, E., (2012). The Emotional-Interactive Loops In Narratives Of Women With Postnatal Depression. In: G. Graffigna, J.M. Morse, & A.C. Bosio (Eds.), Engaging people in health promotion & well-being. New opportunities and challenges for qualitative research - Proceedings of 2nd Global Congress for Qualitative Health Research. Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, Italy June, 28-30th, 2012, Milano: Vita e Pensiero, pp.79-80. ISBN: 978-88-343-2251-2.
25. Colangelo L., & Fellin L., (2012). Patients and therapist’s perspective on psychotherapeutic change and outcomes: A follow-up study. In: G. Graffigna, J.M. Morse, & A.C. Bosio (Eds.), Engaging people in health promotion & well-being. New opportunities and challenges for qualitative research - Proceedings of 2nd Global Congress for Qualitative Health Research. Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, Italy June, 28-30th, 2012, Milano: Vita e Pensiero, p.67. ISBN: 978-88-343-2251-2.
26. Ugazio V., Fellin L., & Negri A., (2012). The Semantics of Phobic, Obsessive, Eating and Mood Disorders. In: Giliberto, M., Dell'Aversano, C., & Velicogna F. (Eds.), PCP and Constructivism: ways of working, learning and living. Proceedings of the XVIIIth International Congress on Personal Construct Psychology. Venice, Italy, 20-24 July 2009, Firenze: Libri Liberi Editore. ISBN: 978-88-8415-101-8.
27. Pennacchio R., & Fellin L., (2011). Ermeneutica sistemica e intenzionalità nella conversazione terapeutica. In: AIP - XIII Congresso Nazionale della Sezione di Psicologia Clinica e Dinamica, September 16-18 2011, Università degli Studi di Catania, ATTI, p. 374, Torino: Espress Edizioni, ISBN: 978-88-97412-229.
28. Pennacchio R., & Fellin L., (2011). Le ipotesi nella consulenza sistemica: quali differenze tra paziente e terapeuta? In: AIP - XIII Congresso Nazionale della Sezione di Psicologia Clinica e Dinamica, September 16-18 2011, Università degli Studi di Catania, ATTI, p. 375, Torino: Espress Edizioni, ISBN: 978-88-97412-229.
29. Pennacchio R., Ugazio V., & Fellin L., (2011). Do patients and therapists recourse to different explanations to account for symptoms or problems? In: 42nd International Meeting of Society for Psychotherapy Research (SPR), Book of Abstracts. Bern, Switzerland, June 29-July 2, 2011. Ulm: Ulmer Textbank, p. 220, ISBN/ISSN: 978-3-926-00235-8.
30. Ugazio V., Fellin L., & Negri A. (2010). The Semantics of Phobic, Obsessive, Eating and Mood Disorders. In: 60 years of family therapy, 20 years of EFTA… and after? New ways for systemic practice. Programme and Book of Abstracts 7th Congress of European family Therapy Association – EFTA, Paris, France, October 29-31st 2010.
31. Mazzoleni A., Fellin L., Negri A., & Converti R.M. (2010). Promozione della qualità della vita nella disabilità: una lettura contestuale dell'intervento riabilitativo proposto presso il servizio DAT di Milano della Fondazione don Gnocchi. In: La Psicologia della salute tra ricerca e intervento nei servizi sociosanitari, nella comunità, nei luoghi di lavoro e nella scuola. Bergamo, September 23-25 2010, Milano: F.Angeli, pp. 181-182. ISBN: 978-88-568-3294-5.
32. Ugazio V., Negri A., Fellin L, & Zanaboni E. (2008). La conversazione terapeutica con i soggetti fobici è dominata dalla semantica della libertà?. In: Quaderni di Psicoterapia Cognitiva. Abstract book. Baia di Chia, Cagliari, 24-26 October 2008, p. 285-287, ISBN/ISSN: 1127-6347.
33. Fellin L., Ugazio V., Colciago F., & Pennacchio R. (2008). When 2 is not enough: systemic inference fields and therapeutic change. In: 39th International Meeting of Society for Psychotherapy Research (SPR), Book of Abstracts. Barcelona, Spain, June 18-21, 2008, ULM: Ulmer Textbank, p. 193, ISBN/ISSN: 978-84-691-4139-7.
34. Negri A., Ugazio V., Zanaboni E., & Fellin L. (2008). Eating Disorders: a Problem of Positioning within a "Semantic of Power". In: 39th International Meeting of Society for Psychotherapy Research (SPR), Book of Abstracts. Barcelona, Spain, June 18-21, 2008, ULM: Ulmer Textbank, p. 193-194, ISBN/ISSN: 978-84-691-4139-7.
35. Fellin L., Ugazio V., Colciago F., & Pennacchio R., (2007). Is the triadic hermeneutics really extraneous to common sense?, In: “Beyond Oppositions: Individuals, Families, Communities” - 6th Congress of the European Family Therapy Association and 32nd Association for Family Therapy and Systemic Practice UK Conference - Programme and Book of Abstracts, p. 139. Glasgow, October 2007.
36. Fellin, L., Carter, J., McFarlane, T. & Blackmore, E. (2004). Effects of mirror exposure on body image. Poster presentation at Eating Disorders Research Society 10th Annual Meeting, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 7-9 October 2004.
37. Cuzzolaro, M., Fellin, L.C., Spissu, M., & Vetrone, G. (2003). Prevenzione dei disordini alimentari. In IX Congresso Nazionale su Obesità e magrezza. Siena, December 12-13 2003.
38. Lombardo, C., Violani, C., Tiberi, S., Lauria,V., Fellin, L.C., Vetrone,G. & Cuzzolaro, M. (2002). Validità discriminante di un questionario (DEQ) per lo screening dei disturbi alimentari. In VIII Congresso Nazionale su Obesità e magrezza. Siena, December 12-13 2002.
Other refereed non-published conference contributions
1. Ugazio, V., Singh, R. & Fellin, L. (2017). A Gulf of Misunderstanding? Semantic Cohesion in monocultural and intercultural couples. Workshop presented to the Association Family Therapy (AFT) Annual Conference, Dunblane, UK, 14-16 September 2017.
2. Alexander, J., Callaghan, J. and Fellin, L. (2015). Exploring intergenerational transmissions of domestic violence: embodied experience. Poster presented to: Psychology of Emotion & Feeling (PoEF15), The University of Northampton, 08 April 2015.
3. Callaghan, J., Alexander, J., Fellin, L., Papathanassiou, M., Mavrou, S., Sixsmith, J., Deliyanni-Kouimtzi, K., Symons, S. & Armstrong-Hallam, S. (2014). Understanding agency and resistance: children in situations of domestic abuse. Symposium presented to: Qualitative Research on Mental Health 5 (QRMH5), MAICh, Chania, Crete, Greece, 02-04 September 2014
4. Galbusera, L., & Fellin, L. (2014). A phenomenological exploration of helpful factors in body oriented psychotherapy for schizophrenia: Preliminary findings. Paper presented to the Qualitative Research in Mental Health Conference (QRMH5), August 2-4, 2014. Chania, Greece.
5. Galbusera, L., & Fellin, L. (2014). Dare voce a cio’ che non trova parole: l’importanza della dimensione implicita nella terapia alla schizofrenia”. Paper presented to the ISPS Italian Conference Rivisitare l’esperienza psicotica: Il corpomente e le sue relazioni, September 11-12, 2014. Bergamo, Italy
6. Galbusera, L., & Fellin, L. (2014). She was looking at a schizophrenic and saw the person behind the label: Patients’ perspectives on therapists’ attitudes”. Paper presented to the ISPS UK Conference From Diagnosis to Dialogue, September 17-18, 2014. Leicester, UK.
7. Callaghan, J., Fellin, L. & Sixsmith, J. (2014). Doing feminism: Working with children's histories of domestic abuse. Workshop presented to: the Psychology of Women Section (POWS) Conference, Windsor, UK, 9-11 July 2014.
8. Dann, C., Callaghan, J. & Fellin, L. (2014). The adorned feminine body: a qualitative exploration of media representations of tattooed women in the UK. Poster presented to: British Psychological Society Psychology of Women Section (POWS) Annual Conference 2014, Windsor, England, 09-11 July 2014.
9. Ward, L., Callaghan, J. & Fellin, L. (2014). Laugh it up or laugh it off: the use of humour within the fire service as a way of constructing, managing and coping with emotionality. Paper presented to: British Psychological Society Psychology of Women Section (POWS) Conference 2014, Windsor, 09-11 July 2014.
10. Fellin, L., Decio, V., Travellini, S. & Nava, G. (2014). Multiple family intervention within a CAMHS: a thematic analysis of changes, helpful and hindering events of users’ and professionals’ perspectives. Paper presented to: Children and Young People's Mental Health, The University of Northampton, 03-05 July 2014.
11. Fellin, L., & Goodgame, J., (2014). A tree under a double moon? Creative techniques in family work within adoption and fostering. Workshop presented to: Children and Young People's Mental Health, The University of Northampton, 03-05 July 2014.
12. Callaghan, J., Warner-Gale, F. & Fellin, L., (2014). Does Every Child Still Matter? The UK Policy context for CAMHS 1994-2014. Paper presented to: Children and Young People's Mental Health, The University of Northampton, 03-05 July 2014.
13. Callaghan, J., Alexander, J., Fellin, L. & Sixsmith, J. (2014). Children’s Experiences of Domestic Violence: Understanding Agency and Resistance. Paper presented in the symposium Children and Young People's Mental Health, The University of Northampton, 03-05 July 2014.
14. Callaghan, J., Alexander, J., Fellin, L. & Sixsmith, J. (2014). Imaging agency and resistance: Photos and drawings in work with children in situations of domestic abuse. Invited Presentation presented to: The British Psychological Society, Qualitative Methods in Psychology Section (QMiP): Multiple Transformations of Qualitative Data, De Montfort University, Leicester, 11 April 2014.
15. Galbusera, L., Fellin, L. & Sattel, H. (2014). Body-Oriented Psychotherapy for Persons with Schizophrenia: Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of Participants' Experience. Poster presented to: 4th Biennial Schizophrenia International Research Society (SIRS) Conference: Fostering Collaboration in Schizophrenia Research, Florence (Italy), 5-9th April 2014.
16. Callaghan, J., Nardulli, C., Fellin, L., Alexander, J., Sixsmith, J. & Sanelli, M. B. (2014). Understanding agency and resistance strategies: Psychological discourses of children in situations of domestic violence. Invited Presentation presented to: Garante Dei Diritti Dell’Infanzia e Dell’Adolescenza: Bari Workshop to present the Daphne Project UNARS, Excelsior Hotel, Bari, Italy, Puglia, 01 April 2014.
17. Callaghan, J., Alexander, J., Sixsmith, J. & Fellin, L. (2014). “Witness” to violence? Agency and resistance in children’s accounts of domestic abuse. Paper presented to: 8th Annual Keele Counselling Conference: Daring to Make an Impact: Dynamic Qualitative Research, Keele University, 22-23 March 2014.
18. Galbusera, L., Fellin, L. & Sattel, H. (2014). Towards the Recovery of a Sense of Self: an IPA Analysis on the Experience of Body-Oriented Psychotherapy for Persons with Schizophrenia. Poster presentation to: 1st European Conference on Systemic Research in Therapy, Education and Organizational Development: Linking systemic practice and research, Heidelberg (Germany), 4-6th March 2014.
19. Ugazio, V., & Fellin, L. (2013). Promoting Resilience in Families through Semantic Polarities. Workshop presented to The Association for Family Therapy & Systemic Practice (AFT) National Conference. Hope and resilience in hard times: Couples, families, therapists. Imperial College, London, UK, 19-21 September 2013.
20. Goodgame, J., & Fellin, L., (2013). Under a double moon? The relational context of adoption and fostering. Paper presented in the symposium “Research and Relationalities” at the Qualitative Methods in Psychology Section (QMiP) 'Making a difference, making ourselves known' Conference, University of Huddersfield, UK, 4 -6 September 2013.
21. Callaghan, J. & Fellin, L., (2013). De-constructing DSM 5: De-classifying childhood. Paper presented to: Children and Young People's Mental Health: Improving Outcomes, Widening Access and Tackling Stigma in an Age of Austerity, The University of Northampton, 03-05 July 2013.
22. Ugazio, V., & Fellin, L., (2013). Eating disorders during adolescence: When family therapy is not enough. Workshop presented to: Children and Young People's Mental Health: Improving Outcomes, Widening Access and Tackling Stigma in an Age of Austerity, The University of Northampton, 03-05 July 2013.
23. Galbusera, L., Sattel, H. & Fellin, L. (2012). Interactional synchrony in psychotherapy: embodied dynamics of participatory sense‐making. In 17th Herbstakademie - The implications of embodiment: enactive, clinical, social. Heidelberg (Germany), 1st –3rd October 2012.
24. Fellin L., (2012). Meaning making processes during couple therapy conversation. In 4th Qualitative Research on Mental Health Conference, University of Nottingham, Nottingham (UK) 3- 5th July 2012.
25. Fellin L., Emide, E., (2012). The Emotional-Interactive Loops In Narratives Of Women With Postnatal Depression. In 4th Qualitative Research on Mental Health Conference, University of Nottingham, Nottingham (UK) 3- 5th July 2012.
26. Pennacchio R., Ugazio V., Fellin L., (2011). Systemic hermeneutics: patients and therapists’ attributional and meaning making processes in conversation. In 1st International Conference on Dialogical Practices - In the Dialogical Moment: words, emotions, movements and silence, Helsinki, Finland 22-24 September 2011.
27. Fellin L., Ugazio V., (2011). Meaning making and psychopathology: The Semantics of phobic, obsessive, mood and eating disorders. In 1st International Conference on Dialogical Practices - In the Dialogical Moment: words, emotions, movements and silence, Helsinki, Finland 22-24 September 2011.
28. Ugazio V., Fellin L., (2009). Los caminos terapeuticos alternos (I Percorsi Terapeutici Alternati: una strategia di intervento per i disturbi alimentari e per le famiglie separate o ricomposte) in XXX Jornadas Españolas de Terapia Familiar y I Congreso Ibérico de Terapia Familiar Cambios Familiares: Nuevas Relaciones, Nuevas Jerarquías. Barcelona, 29- 31 October 2009.
29. Ugazio V., Fellin L., Negri A., (2009). Le semantiche dei disturbi fobici, ossessivi e alimentari – In Dieci anni dalla scomparsa di Vittorio Guidano: le intuizioni, i suggerimenti, i contributi del cognitivismo sistemico post-razionalista alla ricerca ed alla pratica clinica in psicoterapia. Roma, 14 settembre 2009.
Keynotes and Invited addresses:
“Semantiche Familiari e psicopatologie fra clinica, ricerca e letteratura”, 10-11 dicembre 2010: European Institute of Systemic-relational Therapies, Circolo Culturale Navigli, Milan, Italy.
“Type 1 Diabetes and Eating disorders”. Diabetes Association Conference 27 March 2012, Hotel Michelangelo, Milano, Italy.
Seminar “Therapeutic relation in medical practice and health care policies: psychological and legal perspectives” CCSE- University of Bergamo, 19 June 2012.
Workshop “Clinical cases in Eating Disorders”. In 22nd Giornate di Nutrizione Clinica e Patologie Correlate. 5 October 2012: Centre for Eating Disorders and obesity, Niguarda Hospital, Milan, Italy.
“Why do I behave like this? Telling another story changing causes and reasons (Perche' mi comporto cosi'? Raccontare un'altra storia cambiando cause e ragioni) Seminar with Lisa Fellin, Helga Hanks, Roberto Pennacchio, Peter Stratton & Valeria Ugazio. 23 March, 2013, European Institute of Systemic-relational Therapies, Milan, Italy.
Keynote speaker: “The role of family therapy in working with adoption”, Adoption UK Conference: Mental Health in the Teenage Years, 8 May 2014, University of Northampton, UK.
Keynote speaker: “Working systemically with adoption”, LMS Research Conference: 14th April 2015, University of Hertfordshire, UK.
Keynote speaker: “Parole fraintese”, Seminar Incanto e disillusione nella relazione di coppia with Valeria Ugazio, 12 November 2016: European Institute of Systemic-relational Therapies, Circolo Ambrosianum, Milan, Italy.
All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Strengthening Couple Relationships on the topic of ‘Why parental relationships are key to children: the green paper on Children and Young People’s Mental Health’. Houses of Parliament, London, UK, 21st March 2017.
Keynote speaker: ‘How to make research accessible’ at the 'Big Research Conversation' AFT event at the Tavistock Clinic, London, UK, 04 April 2017.
Keynote speaker: "La relación terapeútica y las polaridades semánticas". Curso Voces y Prácticas en Psicoterapia Sistémica Relacional hoy" Ciudad de México/ online seminar, 10/10/20.
“Eating disorders and the semantic of power”. Invited speaker al workshop European Institute of Systemic-relational Therapies, EIST 2020, online seminar, 10/12/20
“Anoressia/anoressie: la problematicità della diagnosi”. Invited speaker alla Giornata di Studio: IL FENOMENO ANORESSIA tra medioevo e modernità, Casa di Cura Palazzolo Bergamo, 10/12/21
La ricerca sulla psicosi: recenti sviluppi e interrogativi ancora aperti. Invited speaker al workshop: DALLA PSICOSI SI PUO’ GUARIRE- European Institute of Systemic-relational Therapies, EIST, Circolo Ambrosianum, Milan, Italy, 30/04/22
ANALISI SEMANTICA DI CLINICAL SINGLE CASE - COME CONDURLA? CON QUALI STRUMENTI ? E IN CHE COSA E’ UTILE? European Institute of Systemic-relational Therapies, EIST 2022 seminar, 27 e 28 maggio e 10 giugno 2022
Fostering freedom of expression in HE: beyond open and hidden censorship. Summer school 2022 “Global perspectives of public and private sector interaction”. University of Bergamo, 8 giugno 2022
Keynote speaker: Lens on Domestic Violence. Sligo Leitrim Children & Young People's Services Committee Sligo Leitrim Response to Children and Young People Launch and Awareness raising Event, 10th November 2022
Public Engagement (funded project). Eating Disorders prevention week- Settimana Lilla a Bergamo 8-15 March 2023 - various events and venues, University of Bergamo.
Invited speaker - Corso di Formazione ATS BG- Il Trattamento dei Disturbi della Nutrizione e dell’alimentazione, Casa di Cura Palazzolo Bergamo, 03/11/23.
Invited speaker - Corso: I percorsi alternati con le anoressie e bulimie adolescenziali e giovanili le semantiche guidano il cambiamento nelle diverse psicopatologie, European Institute of Systemic-relational Therapies, EIST, 2-3-10 Febbraio 2024, Centro Congressi Fast, Milano.
Invited speaker - Convegno: “Pratiche partecipative nella rete per la Riabilitazione dei Disturbi della Nutrizione e Alimentazione: Famiglia, Scuola e Territorio”, 16/03/2024, Teatro Casa di Cura Palazzolo (Bergamo).
Responsabile scientifica convegni:
Complessità nascoste: Il ruolo del segreto nel sistema familiare- prof. C. Loriedo, Milano, 17.12.2022
Il genogramma nella pratica sistemica Milano il 25.03.2023 - prof.ssa M. Borcsa, 25.03.2023
La disabilità entra nella famiglia: Come riuscire ad evolvere? E con quali risorse? Bergamo, 19-20.05.2023
Other publications
Book reviews
Fellin, L., (2006). “Taking Positions in the Organization” by David Campbell, Marianne Groenbaek, review published in "Connessioni",18.
Official reports
AA.VV. Centro di Studio e Ricerca sull’Obesità (2004). Obesità, sindrome plurimetabolica e rischio cardiovascolare: consensus sull’inquadramento diagnostico- terapeutico. Raccomandazioni per la prevenzione e la terapia dell’eccesso di peso e delle patologie ad esso associate. Università degli Studi di Milano, Ospedale L. Sacco, Milano. Milano: Think Tank.
Departmental working papers and University series:
1. Negri A., Fellin L., & Zanaboni E., (2007). Il dilemma fobico: un problema di positioning all’interno della semantica della libertà? In Quaderni del dottorato in Psicologia Clinica 1, 63-81, Bergamo University Press, ISBN/ISSN 978-88-95184-53-1.
2. Ugazio V., Negri A., Zanaboni E., & Fellin L., (2007). Libertà, bontà, potere e appartenenza. Griglia delle Semantiche Familiari (GSF). Manuale per l’analisi semantica della conversazione diadica cliente-terapeuta, In Quaderni del dottorato in Psicologia Clinica 1, 137-242, Bergamo University Press, ISBN/ISSN 978-88-95184-53-1.
3. Ugazio V., Negri A., Zanaboni E., & Fellin L. (2007). La conversazione con i soggetti fobici è dominata dalla semantica della libertà? In Quaderni del dottorato in Psicologia Clinica 1, 103-133, Bergamo University Press, ISBN/ISSN 978-88-95184-53-1.
4. Ugazio V., Fellin L., Colciago F., Pennacchio R., & Negri A., (2007) 1 to 3: from the monad to the triad. A unitizing and coding manual for the fields of inference of causal explanations, In Quaderni del dottorato in Psicologia Clinica, Vol.1, 243-275, Bergamo University Press, ISBN/ISSN 978-88-95184-53-1.
5. Ugazio V., Fellin L., Colciago F., Pennacchio R., & Negri A., (2007). L’ermeneutica triadica sistemica è davvero estranea al senso comune? In Quaderni del dottorato in Psicologia Clinica, Vol.1, 83-102, Bergamo University Press, ISBN/ISSN 978-88-95184-53-1.
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