Anthropogenic Landscapes, Industrial Heritage and Community Making: An Introduction
Capitolo di libro
Data di Pubblicazione:
(2024). Anthropogenic Landscapes, Industrial Heritage and Community Making: An Introduction . Retrieved from
The recent discourse on Industrial Heritage has been enriched with political and social readings, linked to the growing awareness that natural and anthropic scenarios, urban areas, ex-rural and ex-industrial zones, design altogether a single and non-separable continuum, heterogeneous but absolutely connected whole anthropic space. The reflection on industrial heritage has become more complex, expanding towards the analyses of its direct relationship with today’s multiple crises: overpopulation, climate change, pollution and soil consumption.
Tipologia CRIS:
1.2.01 Contributi in volume (Capitoli o Saggi) - Book Chapters/Essays
Elenco autori:
Crabeck, Stéphanie; Bougleux, Elena; Pashkevich, Albina; Iguman, Sanja
Link alla scheda completa:
Titolo del libro:
Mines and Water. Interpreting European Industrial Heritage in the Anthropocene
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