Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students’ Survey: National Report Italy
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Data di Pubblicazione:
(2024). Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students’ Survey: National Report Italy [research project report - rapporto di ricerca]. Retrieved from
On behalf of the University of Bergamo, the national coordinator of the GUESSS project,
we would like to thank all the Italian Higher Education Institutions delegates who spent
time and e!ort helping to gather data for this project, in particular the members of the
Board GUESSS Italy, and the students who took time to complete the online survey.
Support for this project is provided by the University of Bergamo and Intesa Sanpaolo in
the context of the CREO (Competencies and Resources for Entrepreneurial Orientation, project, and by the Italian Ministry of Research (MUR) in the
context of IEES (Institutions, Education and Entrepreneurship Studies: a Novel
Perspective on University Impact) project. CREO is the new academic and
entrepreneurial training program at the University of Bergamo, designed to foster
students’ personal growth, creativity, and capacity for innovation; it engages faculty
and researchers from all disciplines, as well as the local innovation ecosystem. The IEES
project is part of the National Public Research Program (PRIN) and investigates the
di!usion and impact of student entrepreneurship in Italy, with a focus on how higher
education institution ecosystems influence entrepreneurial activities among university
students and recent graduates. We would also like to thank Davide Distante (Master’s
student in Management Engineering at the University of Bergamo) for his support in the
data analysis. Lastly, we acknowledge with gratitude the leadership of the GUESSS CEO, Prof. Philipp
Sieger, and the team for their invaluable contributions to the global GUESSS initiative.
The full international report of the 2023 GUESSS Survey is available on the GUESSS
o"cial website ( The content and conclusions of this report are the sole responsibility of the authors.
Tipologia CRIS:
1.7.13 Altro - Other research outputs
Elenco autori:
Cascavilla, Ilaria; Hahn, Davide; Minola, Tommaso
Link alla scheda completa:
Titolo del libro:
GUESSS National Reports