Data di Pubblicazione:
(2019). Innovation Lab: New TRIZ Tools for Fast Idea Triggering . Retrieved from
During 2017, University of Bergamo and Warrant Innovation Labhave been starting a partnership to diffuse TRIZ in Italian SMEs. They aim tomake SMEs perceive TRIZ as a time-saving methodology, the main needingexpressed about innovation. The offering is a one-day problem-solving activitythat aims at generating conceptual solutions, potentially patentable. First caseshighlighted the reformulation was the trickiest phase: the extraction of the high-level technological alternatives cannot be supported by classical TRIZ tools(object-product transformation, ENV model, IFR, resources, evolutive laws,multiscreen, MTS) for both limited time and lacks in TRIZ skills of the cus-tomer. The staff overcomes such a double issue pre-processing the initialproblem’s information to extract insights from knowledge DBs. The results willbe shown as visual-psychological triggers to stimulate the creativity of non-TRIZ-skilled users. The paper will disclose how visual triggers can work andhow a triz expert facilitator can create them.
Tipologia CRIS:
1.4.01 Contributi in atti di convegno - Conference presentations
Elenco autori:
Russo, Davide; Carrara, Paolo
Link alla scheda completa:
Titolo del libro:
New Opportunities for Innovation Breakthroughs for Developing Countries and Emerging Economies
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