FASSO' Alessandro
Professori Ordinari
Course Catalogue:
Curriculum Vitae
Alessandro Fassò - Curriculum Vitae
Gennaio 2021
Alessandro Fassò is full professor of Statistics (SECS-S/02) from 2000 at the School of Engineering, University of Bergamo, Italy.
President of The International Environmetrics Society (TIES) (2017-2019).
Founder and previous Coordinator (2013-2015) of GRASPA, the permanent working group for environmental statistics of the Italian Statistical Society (SIS).
Member of the Council of the International Statistical Institute (ISI) (2013-2017).
Member of WG-GRUAN, the Working Group on Atmospheric Reference Observations, promoted by the World Meteorological Organization ( (2013-).
Elected member of the International Statistical Institute (ISI).
Editor in Chief of Environmetrics (2019-).
Associate Editor of Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Analysis (SERRA, 2015-2019) and of Advances in Statistical Analysis (AStA, 2013-).
Guest Editor of Statistics & Probability Letters (2019), Environmetrics (2007, 2019), Advances in Statistical Analysis (AStA, 2013), Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Analysis (SERRA, 2015) and Statistical Methods & Applications (SMAP, 2016), Statistics & Applications (S&A, 2013).
Keynote/Plenary speaker:
- Ebio2018 - III Portuguese-Galician Meeting of Biometry, Aveiro, 28-30 June, 2018, keynote address on “Statistical modelling of atmospheric profiles and their uncertainty”;
- 49th Scientific Meeting of Italian Statistical Society, Palermo, 20-22 June, 2018, “Statistics & Uncertainty of Atmospheric Profiles”;
- XIII biannual congress SIMAI 2016, keynote address on “Advanced statistical applications of complex data indexed in space and time”, Milano, 14-09-2016;
- Conference on Seismomatics, keynote address on “Multivariate spatiotemporal modelling for population exposure distribution to airborne multipollutants”, Valparaiso, Chile, 5-9 January, 2015;
- EURISBIS’09, European Regional Meeting of the International Society for Business and Industrial Statistics, keynote address on “Data diversity in air quality monitoring and dynamical mapping using the EM algorithm and air quality indexes”, Cagliari, 03-06-2009.
Invited speaker:
TIES2018, Guanajuato, Mexico; Symposium on Environmental Statistics, Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tachikawa, 22-23 March 2018, Japan; French Statistical Society Conference 2016, Montpellier; Statistische Woche 2015, Hamburg and many others.
International lecturer:
- Peking University. Phd short course on Statistical spatiotemporal models for air quality and atmospheric profiles. 14-28 March 2018.
- University of Bolzano-Bozen. Phd short course on Advanced statistics. 25-30 January 2018.
- ECAS-ENBIS Summer school on Multivariate spatio-temporal methods for large datasets. 10-09-2017, Procida, Italy.
- Winter school on “Stochastic models for spatio-temporal data: Inference and applications” at XI. Workshop Stochastic Models and their Applications, Hamburg 20-22 February 2013.
- Short course at Cairo University on Spatio-Temporal Modeling for Environmental Data at 25th International Conference on Statistical Modelling, 25-28 March 2013.
Conference Organizer, scientific committee, invited speaker and invited session organizer in a number of international conferences. In particular, recent appointments are: Chair of TIES-GRASPA2017 (Bergamo), GRASPA2015 (Bari), METMA-GRASPA2014 (Torino), GRASPA2004 (Dalmine). Scientific committee member of TIES2018, Guanajuato, Mexico; of Spatial Econometrics Association 2016, Rome; of TIES2016, Edinburgh; of TIES2015, Al Ain; of TIES2009, Bologna. Session organizer at SIS Scientific meeting 2014, Cagliari, at SIS Statistical Conference 2013; Brescia, Statistische Woche 2012, Vienna.
PhD Faculty member:
- PhD program in Engineering and Applied Sciences at the University of Bergamo (2017-).
- PhD program in Analytics Economics and Business at the University of Bergamo (2013-2017),
- PhD program in Statistics and Applications at University of Milano Bicocca (2000-2013).
Previous PhD Students: Emilio Porcu, Michela Cameletti, Francesco Finazzi, Maurizio Toccu, Ferdinand Ndongo.
Research assessment:
- Evaluation Committee Member (GEV) of the Italian Research Quality Exercise (VQR 2015-2019).
- Selection committee member of the Italian PRIN2015 for Environment, Space and Population (ERC SH3).
- Referee of NSERC (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada), DAGStat (German Consortium in Statistics), CONICYT (Chilean commission of scientific research), Future in Research (FIRB 2013, Italy), Scientific independence of young researchers (SIR 2014, Italy), Young Researchers Montalcini Award 2015, University of Venice, University of Padua.
Recent national and international competitive research grants:
- Subcontractor: C3S_311a_Lot3 ‘‘Access to Baseline and Reference Networks’ Service Contract 1, under Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) Framework Agreement MWF/COPERNICUS/2017/C3S_311a_Lot3_CNR (2018-). Budget 180'000€.
- Associate PI: EU Horizon 2020: GAIA-CLIM - Gap Analysis for Integrated Atmospheric ECV CLImate Monitoring (2015-2018). Budget 500'000.
- PI: Project AQ2009-EN17 (Regione Lombardia): “Methods for the integration of renewable energy sources and satellite monitoring of the environmental impact” (2009-2013). Budget: 850’000€.
- PI: PRIN-2006, MIUR: “Statistical analysis and modelling of impact and risk for environmental phenomena in space and time” (2007-2009). Budget: 260’000€
Research interests:
He is author of more than hundred papers, mainly on statistical methods and applications to environmetrics, air quality, climate variables, sensitivity analysis of environmental models, environmental time-series, spatio-temporal data, stochastic monitoring, structural and geotechnical surveillance, industrial statistics, quality control and financial time series analysis.
Climate Variables. He is contributing to the application and development of methods based on functional data analysis for the understanding of atmospheric profiles uncertainty. In particular, 3D and 4D statistical modelling of atmospheric profiles, including satellite data and radiosonde networks. In this regard, he studied also collocation uncertainty using a statistical approach based on heteroskedastic functional regression models. This extends the standard functional regression approach and allows a natural definition of uncertainty profiles and their detailed decomposition into all the different components.
Moreover, in the frame of the Horizon 2020 project GAIA-CLIM, he studied the vertical smoothing mismatch uncertainty when comparing satellite and radiosonde data, and the geographic gaps of the present earth observing system.
Air quality dynamic models. Previously, A. Fassò contributed to air quality monitoring and understanding. Considering air quality monitoring, he developed multivariate spatio-temporal models for particulate matters and nitrogen oxides based on ground level heterogeneous monitoring networks, computer outputs and satellite data, developing methods for statistical dynamic mapping, risk assessment, human exposure distribution and environmental policies assessment. His approach allows for multiple pollutants, observed in different places and with different spatial scale, with a large number of “structural missing data”. The approach covers data from single regional areas to large datasets at the European level. Moreover, he discussed air quality indexes in the frame of heterogeneous and unbalanced monitoring networks and model-based indexes. He proposed some nonlinear models for Ozone time series, discussed monitoring of nuclear plumes and methods for extreme air pollution.
Gennaio 2021
Alessandro Fassò is full professor of Statistics (SECS-S/02) from 2000 at the School of Engineering, University of Bergamo, Italy.
President of The International Environmetrics Society (TIES) (2017-2019).
Founder and previous Coordinator (2013-2015) of GRASPA, the permanent working group for environmental statistics of the Italian Statistical Society (SIS).
Member of the Council of the International Statistical Institute (ISI) (2013-2017).
Member of WG-GRUAN, the Working Group on Atmospheric Reference Observations, promoted by the World Meteorological Organization ( (2013-).
Elected member of the International Statistical Institute (ISI).
Editor in Chief of Environmetrics (2019-).
Associate Editor of Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Analysis (SERRA, 2015-2019) and of Advances in Statistical Analysis (AStA, 2013-).
Guest Editor of Statistics & Probability Letters (2019), Environmetrics (2007, 2019), Advances in Statistical Analysis (AStA, 2013), Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Analysis (SERRA, 2015) and Statistical Methods & Applications (SMAP, 2016), Statistics & Applications (S&A, 2013).
Keynote/Plenary speaker:
- Ebio2018 - III Portuguese-Galician Meeting of Biometry, Aveiro, 28-30 June, 2018, keynote address on “Statistical modelling of atmospheric profiles and their uncertainty”;
- 49th Scientific Meeting of Italian Statistical Society, Palermo, 20-22 June, 2018, “Statistics & Uncertainty of Atmospheric Profiles”;
- XIII biannual congress SIMAI 2016, keynote address on “Advanced statistical applications of complex data indexed in space and time”, Milano, 14-09-2016;
- Conference on Seismomatics, keynote address on “Multivariate spatiotemporal modelling for population exposure distribution to airborne multipollutants”, Valparaiso, Chile, 5-9 January, 2015;
- EURISBIS’09, European Regional Meeting of the International Society for Business and Industrial Statistics, keynote address on “Data diversity in air quality monitoring and dynamical mapping using the EM algorithm and air quality indexes”, Cagliari, 03-06-2009.
Invited speaker:
TIES2018, Guanajuato, Mexico; Symposium on Environmental Statistics, Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tachikawa, 22-23 March 2018, Japan; French Statistical Society Conference 2016, Montpellier; Statistische Woche 2015, Hamburg and many others.
International lecturer:
- Peking University. Phd short course on Statistical spatiotemporal models for air quality and atmospheric profiles. 14-28 March 2018.
- University of Bolzano-Bozen. Phd short course on Advanced statistics. 25-30 January 2018.
- ECAS-ENBIS Summer school on Multivariate spatio-temporal methods for large datasets. 10-09-2017, Procida, Italy.
- Winter school on “Stochastic models for spatio-temporal data: Inference and applications” at XI. Workshop Stochastic Models and their Applications, Hamburg 20-22 February 2013.
- Short course at Cairo University on Spatio-Temporal Modeling for Environmental Data at 25th International Conference on Statistical Modelling, 25-28 March 2013.
Conference Organizer, scientific committee, invited speaker and invited session organizer in a number of international conferences. In particular, recent appointments are: Chair of TIES-GRASPA2017 (Bergamo), GRASPA2015 (Bari), METMA-GRASPA2014 (Torino), GRASPA2004 (Dalmine). Scientific committee member of TIES2018, Guanajuato, Mexico; of Spatial Econometrics Association 2016, Rome; of TIES2016, Edinburgh; of TIES2015, Al Ain; of TIES2009, Bologna. Session organizer at SIS Scientific meeting 2014, Cagliari, at SIS Statistical Conference 2013; Brescia, Statistische Woche 2012, Vienna.
PhD Faculty member:
- PhD program in Engineering and Applied Sciences at the University of Bergamo (2017-).
- PhD program in Analytics Economics and Business at the University of Bergamo (2013-2017),
- PhD program in Statistics and Applications at University of Milano Bicocca (2000-2013).
Previous PhD Students: Emilio Porcu, Michela Cameletti, Francesco Finazzi, Maurizio Toccu, Ferdinand Ndongo.
Research assessment:
- Evaluation Committee Member (GEV) of the Italian Research Quality Exercise (VQR 2015-2019).
- Selection committee member of the Italian PRIN2015 for Environment, Space and Population (ERC SH3).
- Referee of NSERC (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada), DAGStat (German Consortium in Statistics), CONICYT (Chilean commission of scientific research), Future in Research (FIRB 2013, Italy), Scientific independence of young researchers (SIR 2014, Italy), Young Researchers Montalcini Award 2015, University of Venice, University of Padua.
Recent national and international competitive research grants:
- Subcontractor: C3S_311a_Lot3 ‘‘Access to Baseline and Reference Networks’ Service Contract 1, under Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) Framework Agreement MWF/COPERNICUS/2017/C3S_311a_Lot3_CNR (2018-). Budget 180'000€.
- Associate PI: EU Horizon 2020: GAIA-CLIM - Gap Analysis for Integrated Atmospheric ECV CLImate Monitoring (2015-2018). Budget 500'000.
- PI: Project AQ2009-EN17 (Regione Lombardia): “Methods for the integration of renewable energy sources and satellite monitoring of the environmental impact” (2009-2013). Budget: 850’000€.
- PI: PRIN-2006, MIUR: “Statistical analysis and modelling of impact and risk for environmental phenomena in space and time” (2007-2009). Budget: 260’000€
Research interests:
He is author of more than hundred papers, mainly on statistical methods and applications to environmetrics, air quality, climate variables, sensitivity analysis of environmental models, environmental time-series, spatio-temporal data, stochastic monitoring, structural and geotechnical surveillance, industrial statistics, quality control and financial time series analysis.
Climate Variables. He is contributing to the application and development of methods based on functional data analysis for the understanding of atmospheric profiles uncertainty. In particular, 3D and 4D statistical modelling of atmospheric profiles, including satellite data and radiosonde networks. In this regard, he studied also collocation uncertainty using a statistical approach based on heteroskedastic functional regression models. This extends the standard functional regression approach and allows a natural definition of uncertainty profiles and their detailed decomposition into all the different components.
Moreover, in the frame of the Horizon 2020 project GAIA-CLIM, he studied the vertical smoothing mismatch uncertainty when comparing satellite and radiosonde data, and the geographic gaps of the present earth observing system.
Air quality dynamic models. Previously, A. Fassò contributed to air quality monitoring and understanding. Considering air quality monitoring, he developed multivariate spatio-temporal models for particulate matters and nitrogen oxides based on ground level heterogeneous monitoring networks, computer outputs and satellite data, developing methods for statistical dynamic mapping, risk assessment, human exposure distribution and environmental policies assessment. His approach allows for multiple pollutants, observed in different places and with different spatial scale, with a large number of “structural missing data”. The approach covers data from single regional areas to large datasets at the European level. Moreover, he discussed air quality indexes in the frame of heterogeneous and unbalanced monitoring networks and model-based indexes. He proposed some nonlinear models for Ozone time series, discussed monitoring of nuclear plumes and methods for extreme air pollution.
Pubblicazioni (115)
Dataset (2)
Insegnamenti offerta formativa corrente (5)
Secondo Semestre (24/02/2025 - 07/06/2025)
- 2024
SSD BIO/07, 3 CFU, 24 ore
SSD SECS-S/02, 3 CFU, 24 ore
Primo Semestre (16/09/2024 - 23/12/2024)
- 2024
Laurea Magistrale
Laurea Magistrale
SSD SECS-S/02, 3 CFU, 24 ore
SSD SECS-S/02, 3 CFU, 24 ore
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Primo Semestre (16/09/2024 - 23/12/2024)
- 2024
Laurea Magistrale
SSD SECS-S/02, 6 CFU, 48 ore
SSD SECS-S/02, 6 CFU, 48 ore
Secondo Semestre (24/02/2025 - 07/06/2025)
- 2024
Laurea Magistrale
Laurea Magistrale
Laurea Magistrale
Laurea Magistrale
SSD SECS-S/02, 6 CFU, 48 ore
SSD SECS-S/02, 6 CFU, 48 ore
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SSD SECS-S/02, 6 CFU, 48 ore
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SSD SECS-S/02, 6 CFU, 48 ore
SSD SECS-S/02, 6 CFU, 48 ore
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SSD SECS-S/02, 6 CFU, 48 ore
SSD SECS-S/02, 6 CFU, 48 ore
SSD SECS-S/02, 6 CFU, 48 ore
SSD SECS-S/02, 6 CFU, 48 ore
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